Rust入門系列一 Windows下安裝Rust

2021-10-24 15:54:59 字數 3487 閱讀 1656


《the rust programming language》

《rust by example》

《the cargo book》

本文主要記錄下 rust 安裝的過程

我使用的是《download rustup-init.exe (64-bit)》

驗證是否安裝成功,可以輸入rustc --version

c:\users\administrator>rustc --version

rustc 1.47.0 (18bf6b4f0 2020-10-07)

build       編譯當前包

check 檢查當前包並尋出錯誤,但不進行編譯

clean 刪除編譯結果(即target資料夾)

doc 構建當前包以及依賴項得文件

new 新建乙個crate

init 以當前資料夾初始化乙個crate

run 編譯並執行src/

test 執行測試項

bench 執行基準測試項

update 更新所需的依賴項並預編譯

search 搜尋crates

publish 打包發布

install 安裝cargo相關可執行檔案,預設路徑為 $home/


uninstall 解除安裝相關可執行檔案

ps c:\users\administrator\desktop\rust> cargo.exe

rust's package manager


cargo [





-v,--version print version info and exit

--list list installed commands

--explainrun `rustc --explain code`

-v,--verbose use verbose output (

-vv very verbose/ output)

-q,--quiet no output printed to stdout

--color coloring:


, always, never

--frozen require cargo.lock and cache are up to date

--locked require cargo.lock is up to date

--offline run without accessing the network

-z ..

. unstable (nightly-only) flags to cargo, see 'cargo -z help'

for details

-h,--help prints help information

some common cargo commands are (see all commands with --list)

: build, b compile the current package

check, c analyze the current package and report errors, but don't build object files

clean remove the target directory

doc build this package's and its dependencies' documentation

new create a new cargo package

init create a new cargo package in an existing directory

run, r run a binary or example of the local package

test, t run the tests

bench run the benchmarks

update update dependencies listed in cargo.lock

search search registry for crates

publish package and upload this package to the registry

install install a rust binary. default location is $home/


uninstall uninstall a rust binary

see 'cargo help '

for more information on a specific command.

ps c:\users\administrator\desktop\rust>


windows 使用者c:\users\username\.cargo\config

linux 或 mac 使用者~/.cargo/config


registry =

""# 指定映象

# replace-with = 'sjtu'

# 清華大學


registry =

""# 中國科學技術大學


registry =


# 上海交通大學


registry =

""# rustcc社群


registry =



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