python logging日誌記錄並非同步傳送

2021-10-22 23:52:23 字數 4058 閱讀 8371

實現思路:新建乙個佇列,將logging的http 傳送任務放入佇列中。啟動乙個執行緒監控佇列情況,並從佇列依次取任務傳送。從而將日誌記錄和日誌傳送分離開,日誌傳送與業務功能**解耦,提高執行速率。

import pytz

import logging

from logging.handlers import rotatingfilehandler

from logging.handlers import queuehandler

from logging.handlers import queuelistener

from logging import handler

import os

from datetime import datetime

host = '' # 日誌接收的網域名稱

path = '/log' # 日誌接收path

# --------------------------------------------log queue------------------------

class slackqueuehandler(queuehandler):


def __init__(self, queue=none):

queuehandler.__init__(self, queue)

def prepare(self, record):

"""override the method to allow the formatter to work.

"""record.msg = self.format(record)

record.args = none

record.exc_info = none

return record

class slackqueuelistener(queuelistener, handler):


"""http log日誌傳送"""

def __init__(self, host, url, method="post", secure=false, credentials=none, context=none, report_id=none):

super().__init__(host, url, method=method, secure=secure, credentials=credentials, context=context)

self.report_id = report_id

def maplogrecord(self, record):


tz = pytz.timezone('asia/shanghai')

asctime ="%y-%m-%d %h:%m:%s")

if hasattr(record,'name') and hasattr(record, 'message'):

data =


data =

record_ = '%(asctime)s | %(name)s | %(message)s' % dict(data)

record_msg =

print('----record msg----{}'.format(record_msg))

return record_msg

class testlogger():

def __init__(self, filepath, filename):

self.filepath = filepath # 存放檔案的路徑

self.filename = filename # 存放檔案的名字

# self.back_up_count = 5000 # 檔案分割上限數

# self.max_log_bytes = 1024 * 1024 * 10 # 單個檔案最大記錄數10m

self.create_handler() # 初始化建立日誌handler

self.create_logger() # 初始化建立logger

def create_handler(self):


self.handler = rotatingfilehandler(filename=os.path.join(self.filepath, self.filename),

# maxbytes=self.max_log_bytes,

# backupcount=self.back_up_count,


)formatter = logging.formatter('%(asctime)s | %(name)s | %(message)s') # 設定輸出格式

# formatter.converter = time.gmtime # 時間轉換

self.handler.setformatter(formatter) # 格式載入到handler

self.http_handler = testhttphandler(host=log_host, url=path, secure=secure) # 網域名稱不帶http:// , secure=false 表示http, secure=true 表示https 請求

def create_logger(self):


Python logging日誌模組

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python logging日誌模組

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