python無法執行指令碼 無法執行python指令碼

2021-10-19 21:35:31 字數 1020 閱讀 9839

根據指令(我是python新手),我執行: localhost 999

我得到這個錯誤:phoenix performance evaluation script 1.0

creating performance table...

error: could not find or load main class org.apache.phoenix.util.phoenixruntime

query # 1 - count - select count(1) from performance_999;

query # 2 - group by first pk - select host from performance_999 group by host;

query # 3 - group by second pk - select domain from performance_999 group by dom


query # 4 - truncate + group by - select trunc(date,'day') day from performance_

999 group by trunc(date,'day');

query # 5 - filter + count - select count(1) from performance_999 where core<10;

generating and upserting data...

error: unable to access jarfile 999

error: could not find or load main class org.apache.phoenix.util.phoenixruntime

所以不知道這是怎麼回事。錯誤error: unable to access jarfile 999表明我沒有正確傳遞值。不過,我是按照指令碼中的說明操作的。在


p、 這是在windows server 2012上發生的

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