字元.def addletter (x):
result = ord(x) - ord(a)
return result
#start of the main program
#prompt user for a file
while true:
speech = raw_input("enter file name:")
wholefile = open(speech, 'r+').read()
lowlet = wholefile.lower()
letters= list(lowlet)
alpha = list('abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz')
n = len(letters)
f = float(n)
occurrences = {}
d = {}
#number of letters
for x in alpha:
occurrences[x] = letters.count(x)
d[x] =(occurrences[x])/f
for x in occurrences:
print x, occurrences[x], d[x]
enter file name:dems.txt
a 993 0.0687863674148
c 350 0.0242449431976
b 174 0.0120532003325
e 1406 0.0973954003879
d 430 0.0297866444999
g 219 0.015170407315
f 212 0.0146855084511
i 754 0.0522305347742
h 594 0.0411471321696
k 81 0.00561097256858
j 12 0.000831255195345
m 273 0.0189110556941
l 442 0.0306178996952
o 885 0.0613050706567
n 810 0.0561097256858
q 9 0.000623441396509
p 215 0.0148933222499
s 672 0.0465502909393
r 637 0.0441257966196
u 305 0.021127736215
t 1175 0.0813937378775
w 334 0.0231366029371
v 104 0.00720421169299
y 212 0.0146855084511
x 13 0.000900526461624
z 6 0.000415627597672
enter file name:
def processline line,charactercounts for character in line if ord character in range 97,123 charactercounts character 1 建立字母字典 def createcharactercoun...
leetcode 字母異位詞分組(python)
題目 給定乙個字串陣列,將字母異位片語合在一起。字母異位詞指字母相同,但排列不同的字串。示例 輸入 eat tea tan ate nat bat 輸出 ate eat tea nat tan bat 說明 所有輸入均為小寫字母。不考慮答案輸出的順序。注意 需熟悉字典的相關使用方法 class so...
leetcode 字母異位詞分組 python3
給定乙個字串陣列,將字母異位片語合在一起。字母異位詞指字母相同,但排列不同的字串。示例 輸入 eat tea tan ate nat bat 輸出 ate eat tea nat tan bat 說明 所有輸入均為小寫字母。不考慮答案輸出的順序。python中使用 字典 維護乙個分組表,鍵值 key...