def menu():
choice = input("press 1 to encode, 2 to decode, 9 to exit ")
return choice
def makekeycode(message):
key = input("what is the key? ").upper()
length = len(message)
keycode = ""
counter = 0
while length >0:
if counter == len(key):
counter = 0
keycode = keycode + key[counter]
counter = counter + 1
length = length - 1
return keycode
def entermessage():
message = input("what is the message ").upper()
return message
def encodemessage(message, keycode):
ciphertext =""
alphabet= "abcdefghijklmnopqrtuvwxyz"
for i in range (len(message)):
character = message[i]
charcode = alphabet.find(character)
keycodechar =keycode[i]
keyletter = alphabet.find(keycodechar)
position = (charcode + keyletter)%25
cipherletter = alphabet[position]
ciphertext =ciphertext + cipherletter
return ciphertext
def decodemessage(ciphertext,keycode):
ciphertext =""
alphabet= "abcdefghijklmnopqrtuvwxyz"
for i in range (len(ciphertext)):
character = ciphertext[i]
charcode = alphabet.find(character)
keycodechar =keycode[i]
keyletter = alphabet.find(keycodechar)
position = (charcode - keyletter)%25
cipherletter = alphabet[position]
ciphertext =ciphertext - cipherletter
return message
def entercipher ():
ciphertext = input("enter the text to be decoded")
return ciphertext
def encode():
message = entermessage()
keycode = makekeycode(message)
ciphertext = encodemessage(message,keycode)
def decode():
keycode = makekeycode(ciphertext)
message = decodemessage(ciphertext, keycode)
print (message)
def main():
print (mydictionary)
choice = 0
while choice !=9:
choice = int(menu())
if choice == 1:
elif choice == 2:
if __name__ == "__main__":
python字母移位 python移位運算的實現
密碼演算法程式設計實踐選的sha 1。在寫的過程中遇到一丟丟關於python移位的問題,記錄一下。sha 1其中第一步需要填充訊息。簡單闡述一下sha1填充訊息的過程 如輸入訊息 123 先轉成ascii碼 313233,訊息長度為3 8 24。即00110001 00110010 00110011...
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有乙個由小寫字母組成的字串s,和乙個整數陣列shifts。我們將字母表中的下乙個字母稱為原字母的 移位 由於字母表是環繞的,z 將會變成 a 例如 shift a b shift t u 以及shift z a 對於每個shifts i x,我們會將s中的前i 1個字母移位x次。返回將所有這些移位都...