mysql內錶和外表 內錶查詢用到外表

2021-10-19 16:07:53 字數 2315 閱讀 9041

在 csdn 上看到的乙個例子,很多記錄中以某個欄位為中心最前面的兩條資料



create table studentgrade(

stuid char(4),    --學號

subid int,        --課程號

grade int,        --成績

primary key (stuid,subid)


insert into studentgrade(stuid,subid,grade) values('001',1,97);

insert into studentgrade(stuid,subid,grade) values('001',2,50);

insert into studentgrade(stuid,subid,grade) values('001',3,70);

insert into studentgrade(stuid,subid,grade) values('002',1,92);

insert into studentgrade(stuid,subid,grade) values('002',2,80);

insert into studentgrade(stuid,subid,grade) values('002',3,30);

insert into studentgrade(stuid,subid,grade) values('003',1,93);

insert into studentgrade(stuid,subid,grade) values('003',2,95);

insert into studentgrade(stuid,subid,grade) values('003',3,85);

insert into studentgrade(stuid,subid,grade) values('004',1,73);

insert into studentgrade(stuid,subid,grade) values('004',2,78);

insert into studentgrade(stuid,subid,grade) values('004',3,87);


001 1 97

003 1 93

003 2 95

002 2 80

004 3 87

003 3 85



select * from studentgrade



select distinct *

from studentgrade as t1

where stuid in

(select top 2 stuid

from studentgrade as t2

where t1.subid=t2.subid

order by t2.grade desc)

order by subid, grade desc


select * from studentgrade a where (select count(1) from studentgrade where subid=a.subid and grade>=a.grade)<=2


select * from studentgrade t

where (select count(1) from studentgrade where subid=t.subid and grade>t.grade)<=1

order by subid,grade desc


stuid subid       grade

001   1           97

003   1           93

003   2           95

002   2           80

004   3           87

003   3           85

(6 row(s) affected)


select * from studentgrade t

where (select count(1) from studentgrade where subid=t.subid and grade>t.grade)<=1

order by subid,grade desc

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