select 字段 from 表1 inner join 表2 on 表1.欄位1 = 表2.欄位2;
說明:inner join 就是內連線查詢關鍵字;on 就是連線查詢條件
create table student(
id int unsigned primary key auto_increment not null,
name varchar(20) not null comment '學生姓名'
);insert into student values(0,'諸葛亮'),(0,'虞姬'),(0,'孫尚香'),(0,'趙雲'),(0,'宮本武藏');
create table course(
id int unsigned primary key auto_increment not null,
name varchar(20) not null comment '課程名稱'
);insert into course values
create table stu_cour(
stu_id int comment '學生id',
cour_id int comment '課程id',
primary key(stu_id,cour_id)
);insert into stu_cour values
select * from student as s inner join stu_cour as sc inner join course as c on s.id=sc.stu_id and sc.cour_id=c.id and s.name='諸葛亮';
select * from student as s inner join stu_cour as sc inner join course as c on s.id=sc.stu_id and sc.cour_id=c.id and c.name='物理';
select c.name from stu_cour as sc inner join course as c on sc.cour_id=c.id group by c.name;
select name from course where name not in (select c.name from stu_cour as sc inner join course as c on sc.cour_id=c.id group by c.name);
Mysql連表查詢(內連線 外連線)
建立兩張 並分別插入資料 create table ifnot exists left table id int auto increment,age int,name varchar 20 primary key id engine innodb default charset utf8 auto...
mysql 內連線查詢
例7.46 在fruits表和suppliers表之間使用內連線查詢,查詢之前,檢視兩個表的結構,select suppliers.s id,s name,f name,f price from fruits suppliers where fruits.s id suppliers.s id 例7...
聯表查詢 內連線 外連線
1.說明 聯表查詢可實現兩個或多個表之間的連線查詢,一般用於有主外來鍵關係表之間的連查詢,這裡拿兩個有主外來鍵關係的表來舉例說明聯表查詢的使用。student表 其中classid為外來鍵 class表 2.內連線查詢 查詢出學生的所有資訊 select from student a,class b...