6 兩表兩列資料匹配

2021-10-19 06:56:03 字數 2790 閱讀 1248




with cte1 as (

select 1 as fa,

'a' as fb,

'c' as fc

union all

select 2 as fa,

'b' as fb,

'd' as fc

union all

select 3 as fa,

'c' as fb,

'x' as fc

), cte2 as (

select 1 as fa,

'c' as fb

union all

select 2 as fa,

'no' as fb

union all

select 3 as fa,

'x' as fb

), cte21 as (


select a.*,

(case when (select count(1

) from cte1 x where x.fc = a.fb)


0 then 1


0 end) as fexist

from cte2 a

)select x1.fa,



(case when x2.fexist =

1 then x2.fa

else null

end) as fa2,

(case when x2.fexist =

1 then x2.fb

else null

end) as fbc

from cte1 x1

left join cte21 x2 on x2.fa = x1.fa


with cte1 as (


select 1 as fa,

'a' as fb,

'c' as fc

union all

select 2 as fa,

'b' as fb,

'd' as fc

union all

select 3 as fa,

'c' as fb,

'x' as fc

), cte2 as (


select 1 as fa,

'c' as fb

union all

select 2 as fa,

'no' as fb

union all

select 3 as fa,

'x' as fb

), cte21 as (


select a.*,

(case when (select count(1

) from cte1 x where x.fc = a.fb)


0 then 1


0 end) as fexist

from cte2 a

), ctepout as (


select x1.fa,



(case when x2.fexist =

1 then x2.fa

else null

end) as fa2,

(case when x2.fexist =

1 then x2.fb

else null

end) as fbc

from cte1 x1

left join cte21 x2 on x2.fa = x1.fa


select *

from ctepout;



select x1.fa,



(case when x2.fexist =

1 then x2.fa else null end) as fa2,

(case when x2.fexist =

1 then x2.fb else null end) as fb2

from cte1 x1

left join (

select a.*,

(case when (select count(1

) from cte1 x where x.fc = a.fb)


0 then 1


0 end) as fexist

from cte2 a

) x2 on x2.fa = x1.fa


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