"""上面這個裝飾器函式來自某位大神之手,先膜拜一下,它能自動為被裝飾的函式加上retry功能。:param delays: an iterable object the defines num of seconds between reties, also indicating num of retries.
default: retry 3 times, waiting 1/5/30 seconds.
:param exceptions: specifies exceptions that trigger retry. otherwise no actions will be taken. default: all exceptions.
:param report: an callable object, e.g print or logger method. default: report nothing.
"""def retry(delays=(3, 10, 15), exceptions=(exception, ), report=lambda *args: none):
problems =
for delay in itertools.chain(delays, [none]):
return function(*args, **kwargs)
except exceptions as problem:
if delay is none:
report("function failed after retries. exceptions: ".format(func=function.__name__, num=len(delays), p=problems))
report("function fails of (). will retry in second(s)."\
.format(func=function.__name__, expt_name=type(problem).__name__, expt_msg=problem, delay=delay))
這個函式設計的很巧妙,比如 report=lambda *args: none
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