mysql對結果計算 MYSQL計算結果

2021-10-18 02:14:36 字數 853 閱讀 2326


mysql 5.0中構建乙個查詢來計算學生的學期成績.初始表(studentitemgrades)包含將用於計算最終成績的作業列表等.每項作業都有乙個possiblescore,grade和weight.計算應對所有類似加權的專案進行分組,並根據分配到期的日期範圍提供sum(grade)/ sum(possiblescore).我遇到的問題是所有個別加權等級的最終總和.例如,結果目前產生以下結果:

coursescheduleid sdbid assigneddate duedate weight weightedgrade

1 519 2010-08-26 2010-08-30 10 0.0783333333333333

1 519 2010-09-01 2010-09-03 20 0.176

1 519 2010-09-01 2010-09-10 70 0.574


select coursescheduleid, sdbid, assigneddate, duedate, weight,

((sum(grade)/sum(possiblescore))*(weight/100)) as weightedgrade

from studentitemgrades

where duedate>='2010-08-23'

and duedate<='2010-09-10'

and coursescheduleid=1

and sdbid=519

and status>0

group by weight


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