python取括號裡內容 提取括號中字串的內容

2021-10-17 02:41:02 字數 2470 閱讀 5840

string = "will ferrell (nick halsey), rebecca hall (samantha), michael pena (frank garcia)"

import re

pat = re.compile(r'([^(]+)\s*\(([^)]+)\)\s*(?:,\s*|$)')

lst = [(t[0].strip(), t[1].strip()) for t in pat.findall(string)]



當然,我們可以使正規表示式更加複雜,並讓它返回已經去掉空白的名稱。不過,正規表示式會變得非常毛茸茸的,所以我們將使用python正規表示式中最酷的特性之一:「verbose」模式,在這種模式下,您可以將乙個模式擴充套件到許多行,並根據需要放置注釋。我們使用的是原始的三引號字串,因此反斜槓很方便,多行也很方便。給你:import re

s_pat = r'''

\s* # any amount of white space

([^( \t] # start match group; match one char that is not a '(' or space or tab

[^(]* # match any number of non '(' characters

[^( \t]) # match one char that is not a '(' or space or tab; close match group

\s* # any amount of white space

\( # match an actual required '(' char (not in any match group)

\s* # any amount of white space

([^) \t] # start match group; match one char that is not a ')' or space or tab

[^)]* # match any number of non ')' characters

[^) \t]) # match one char that is not a ')' or space or tab; close match group

\s* # any amount of white space

\) # match an actual required ')' char (not in any match group)

\s* # any amount of white space

(?:,|$) # non-match group: either a comma or the end of a line

pat = re.compile(s_pat, re.verbose)

lst = pat.findall(string)


此外,上面的內容保留了名稱中的空白。您可以很容易地規範化空白,以確保它是100%一致的,通過拆分空白和重新加入空格。string = ' will ferrell ( nick\thalsey ) , rebecca hall (samantha), michael\fpena (frank garcia)'

import re

pat = re.compile(r'([^(]+)\s*\(([^)]+)\)\s*(?:,\s*|$)')

def nws(s):

"""normalize white space. replaces all runs of white space by a single space."""

return " ".join(w for w in s.split())

lst = [tuple(nws(item) for item in t) for t in pat.findall(string)]

print lst # prints: [('will ferrell', 'nick halsey'), ('rebecca hall', 'samantha'), ('michael pena', 'frank garcia')]



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