python封裝的方法 Python類和封裝方法

2021-10-16 21:29:50 字數 1505 閱讀 8488


編輯-我已經更新了我的**並刪除了初始化。我的吸氣筒現在不工作了。在#instantiate a new pet instance.

mypet = pet()

#get input from user.

mypet.setname = input("enter the pet's name: ")

mypet.settypes = input("enter the pet's type (dog, cat, bird, etc.): ")

mypet.setage = input("enter the pet's age (in years): ")

while mypet.setage.isalpha():


print("age cannot contain numbers. try again.")

mypet.setage = input("enter the pet's age (in years): ")

#call the showpetinfo module using new instanced object.


class pet:

#fields of the pet class.

__petname = ""

__pettype = ""

__petage = ""

#setter methods.

def setname(self,name):

self.__petname = name

def settypes(self,types):

self.__pettype = types

def setage(self,age):

self.__petage = age

#getter methods.


def getname(self):

return self.__petname


def gettype(self):

return self.__pettype


def getage(self):

return self.__petage

def showpetinfo(self):

print("\n \n \n \n")

print("here is your pet's information. your pet's name is {}, it is a {} and it is {} years old.".format(self.getname,self.gettype,self.getage))


用 PyInstaller 打包封裝python

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python 日誌log封裝方法

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