split dobj at sep into | }
data: l_str type string,
l_str1 type c,
l_str2 type c.
data: begin of lt_str occurs 0,
str type c,
end of lt_str.
l_str = '1/2'.
split l_str at '/' into l_str1 l_str2. "根據『/』截斷字元創 l_str 放於l_str1、l_str2
write: l_str1,l_str2,/.
split l_str at '/' into table lt_str. "根據『/』截斷字元創 l_str 放於表lt_str
loop at lt_str.
write: lt_str-str,/.
shift dobj | ] [ [ left|right ] [ circular ] ] }
| | } pattern
data(str) = `0123456789`.
shift str."列印出 123456789
data: text type string value 'i know you know',
off type i.
find 'you' in text match offset off.
shift text by off places."從 『you』 的地方截斷字串text,保留'you' 和之後的字串 you know
*shift text up to 'you'."從 『you』 的地方截斷字串text,保留'you' 和之後的字串 you know
data(text) = '0123456789'.
*shift text right."從右邊截斷第乙個字元012345678
shift text left."從左邊截斷第乙個字元123456789
shift text up to 'you' left circular."列印出來是 『you know i know』
shift text up to 'you' right circular. "列印出來是 『know i know you』
data(xstr) = conv xstring( `aabbccddeeff` ).
shift xstr in byte mode. "列印出來 bbccddeeff
data text type string value `i know you know `.
shift text right deleting trailing 'no kw'. "i know you
data txt type string value '0000011111'.
shift txt right deleting trailing '1'. "00000
shift txt left deleting leading '0'. "11111
condense [no-gaps].
data: begin of sentence,
word1 type c length 30 value 'she',
word2 type c length 30 value 'feeds',
word3 type c length 30 value 'you',
word4 type c length 30 value 'tea',
word5 type c length 30 value 'and',
word6 type c length 30 value 'oranges',
end of sentence,
text type string.
text = sentence.
condense text." she feeds you tea and oranges
condense text no-gaps."shefeedsyouteaandoranges
concatenate | into result [separated by sep] [respecting blanks].
c、d、n、t型別的前導空格會保留,尾部空格都會被去掉,但對string型別所有空格都會保留;對於c、d、n、t型別的字串有乙個respecting blanks選項可使用,表示尾部空格也會保留。注:使用 `` 對string型別進行賦值時才會保留尾部空格
types hex type x length 1.
data itab type table of hex with empty key.
itab = value #(
( conv hex( '48' ) )
( conv hex( '65' ) )
( conv hex( '6c' ) )
( conv hex( '6c' ) )
( conv hex( '6f' ) ) ).
concatenate lines of itab into data(xstr) in byte mode."48656c6c6f
data: str type string value `12345 `,
txt type c length 10 value '12345 ',
len type i.
len = strlen( str )."10
len = strlen( txt )."5
substring( val = text [off = off] [len = len] )
data result type string.
result = substring( val = 'abcdefgh' off = 2 len = 2 )."cd
result = substring_from( val = 'abcdefgh' sub = 'cd' )."cdefgh
result = substring_after( val = 'abcdefgh' sub = 'cd' )."efgh
result = substring_before( val = 'abcdefgh' sub = 'cd' )."ab
result = substring_to( val = 'abcdefgh' sub = 'cd' )."abcd
count( val = text | )
data(result1) = count( val = `***123yyy` regex = `\d+` )."1
data(result2) = count_any_of( val = `***123yyy` sub = `123` )."3
data(result3) = count_any_not_of( val = `***123yyy` sub = `x` )."6
match( val = text regex = regex occ = occ)
match( val = 'x1 x2 x3' regex = 'x.' occ = 2 )"x2
find( val = text |[occ = occ] )
查詢substring或者匹配regex的子串的位置。如果未找到,則返回 -1,返回的為offset,所以從0開始
data(result1) = find( val = `***123yyy` regex = `\d+` )."3
data(result2) = find_end( val = `***123yyy` regex = `\d+` )."6
data(result3) = find_any_of( val = `***123yyy` sub = `123` )."3
data(result4) = find_any_not_of( val = `***123yyy` sub = `x` )."3
abap 字串處理
1 對字串的操作 1 shift 截斷字串 shift by places 作用 去掉字串的前n個位置的字元,如果n未指定,預設為1,如果指定的n小於等於0,則字串不變。如果n超出字串的長度,則字串變空,所以在做此操作的時候要注意n的指定。可以首先獲得該字串的長度,方法 len strlen c m...
字串控制函式 concatenate 實現字串合併 語法 concatenate f1.fn into g by h data one 10 value hello two 10 value sap result1 10 result2 10 concatenate one two into res...
ABAP 擷取字串(Start Routine)
需求 有主資料zplant,取自工廠描述的一部分,用 隔開,比如 工廠a 北京 zplant只需要 工廠a 怎麼解決呢 寫在start routine裡,data z res wa typematch result,z res tab typematch result tab,z data type...