FTP 操作遠端檔案

2021-10-16 17:01:09 字數 4689 閱讀 1785

string ftpuserid;//使用者名稱

string ftppassword;//密碼

ftpwebrequest reqftp;

#region 連線伺服器

/// /// 連線伺服器



private void connect(string path)


#region 獲得檔案列表

/// /// 獲得檔案列表





private string getfilelist(string path, string wrmethods)

// to remove the trailing '\n'

result.remove(result.tostring().lastindexof('\n'), 1);

return result.tostring().split('\n');

}catch (exception ex)


if (response != null)}}

/// /// 獲得檔案列表




public string getfilelist(string ftpsubdir)

/// /// 獲得檔案列表



public string getfilelist()

/// /// 獲得檔案列表明細




public string getfilesdetaillist(string ftpsubdir)

/// /// 獲得檔案列表明細



public string getfilesdetaillist()


/// /// 檔案上傳





public bool upload(string filename, string ftpsubdir)

return true;

}catch (exception ex)


if (fs != null)}}

/// /// 檔案上傳




public bool upload(string filename)






public bool download(string filepath, string filename, string ftpsubdir)

", newfilename));

if (file.exists(newfilename))

string url = "ftp://" + ftpserverip + "/" + ftpsubdir + filename;

log.info(string.format("ftpurl: ", url));


reqftp.credentials = new networkcredential(ftpuserid, ftppassword);

response = (ftpwebresponse)reqftp.getresponse();

ftpstream = response.getresponsestream();

long cl = response.contentlength;

int buffersize = 2048;

int readcount;

byte buffer = new byte[buffersize];

readcount = ftpstream.read(buffer, 0, buffersize);

outputstream = new filestream(newfilename, filemode.create);

while (readcount > 0)

return true;

}catch (exception ex)


if (outputstream != null)

if (response != null)}}





public bool download(string filepath, string filename)







public bool download(string filepath, string filename, string ftpsubdir)

", newfilename));

if (file.exists(newfilename))

string url = "ftp://" + ftpserverip + "/" + ftpsubdir + filename;

log.info(string.format("ftpurl: ", url));


reqftp.credentials = new networkcredential(ftpuserid, ftppassword);

response = (ftpwebresponse)reqftp.getresponse();

ftpstream = response.getresponsestream();

long cl = response.contentlength;

int buffersize = 2048;

int readcount;

byte buffer = new byte[buffersize];

readcount = ftpstream.read(buffer, 0, buffersize);

outputstream = new filestream(newfilename, filemode.create);

while (readcount > 0)

return true;

}catch (exception ex)


if (outputstream != null)

if (response != null)}}

/// /// 判斷檔案是否存在





public bool fileexists(string filename, string ftpsubdir)

line = reader.readline();

}return success;

}catch (exception ex)


if (response != null)


/// /// 刪除檔案




public bool deletefilename(string filename, string ftpsubdir)

catch (exception ex)



/// /// 建立目錄





public bool makedir(string dirname, string ftpsubdir)

catch (exception ex)



/// /// 刪除目錄




public bool deletedir(string dirname)

catch (exception ex)



/// /// 獲得檔案大小





public long getfilesize(string filename, string ftpsubdir)

catch (exception ex)



/// /// 檔案改名






public bool rename(string currentfilename, string newfilename, string ftpsubdir)

catch (exception ex)




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