db2 list tables for user
1.2 檢視表結構
db2 describe table a
select rtrim(tabschema) as contname, --
rtrim(tabname) as name,
rtrim(tbspace) as tbspace,
definer as definer
from syscat.tables
where (left (tabschema,3) <> 'sys')
and (type = 't')
order by contname, name for fetch only;
select rtrim(c.tabschema) as contcontname,
c.tabname as contname,
c.colname as name,
c.remarks as comment,
tc.type as isprim,
seclabelname as seclabelname,
rtrim(c.typeschema) as source_schema,
c.typename as source_name,
c.length as length,
c.scale as scale,
c.codepage as codepage,
c.nulls as nulls,
c.compress as compress,
c.default as default,
c.generated as generated,
c.text as text,
c.identity as identity,
c.logged as logged,
c.compact as compact,
c.partkeyseq as partkeyseq,
rtrim(c.dl_features) as dl_features,
c.inline_length as inlinelength,
cid.start as start,
cid.increment as increment,
cid.cache as cache,
cid.minvalue as minvalue,
cid.maxvalue as maxvalue,
cid.cycle as cycle,
order as order
from syscat.columns c
left outer join syscat.keycoluse kcu on kcu.tabschema = c.tabschema
and kcu.tabname = c.tabname
and kcu.colname = c.colname
left outer join syscat.tabconst tc on tc.constname = kcu.constname
left outer join syscat.colidentattributes cid on cid.colname = c.colname
and cid.tabname = c.tabname and cid.tabschema = c.tabschema
where (left (c.tabschema,3) <> 'sys')
and (c.tabname = 'table_name') ---此處修改表名
and (rtrim (c.tabschema) = 'scheme') ---此處修改scheme
order by colno for fetch only;
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