sql鑲嵌查詢 SQL巢狀查詢總結

2021-10-13 11:24:08 字數 1348 閱讀 7022









$sql="select type , sum( yjsl ) as yjsl , sum( yysl ) as yysl, sum( jyrs ) as jyrs, sum( jycs ) as jycs

from (

select c.mc as

type , count( d.lsh ) as yjsl, 0 as yysl, 0 as jyrs, 0 as jycs

from sys_dzxxb as b, sys_jcb as c, sys_dzyjb as d

where b.bm = c.lsh

and d.dzlsh = b.lsh

group by c.mc

union select c.mc as

type , 0 as yjsl, count( e.lsh ) as yysl, 0 as jyrs, 0 as jycs

from sys_dzxxb as b, sys_jcb as c, sys_dzyy as e

where b.bm = c.lsh

and e.dzlsh = b.lsh

group by c.mc

union select c.mc as

type , 0 as yjsl, 0 as yysl, count( distinct e.dzlsh ) as jyrs, 0 as jycs

from sys_dzxxb as b, sys_jcb as c, sys_ltxxb as e

where b.bm = c.lsh

and e.dzlsh = b.lsh

group by c.mc

union select c.mc as

type , 0 as yjsl, 0 as yysl, 0 as jyrs, count( distinct e.lsh ) as jycs

from sys_dzxxb as b, sys_jcb as c, sys_ltxxb as e

where b.bm = c.lsh

and e.dzlsh = b.lsh

group by c.mc

) as temptable

group by type ";


sql鑲嵌查詢 SQL 查詢巢狀使用

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巢狀查詢也叫子查詢,乙個select語句的查詢結果能夠作為另外乙個語句的輸入值。子查詢不但可以出現在where子句中,也能出現在from中作為乙個臨時表使用,而且還可以出現在select list中,作為乙個欄位值來返回。1 單行子查詢 單行子查詢的返回值只有一行資料。可以再主查詢語句的條件語句中引...