百分數轉bigd 小數 分數 百分數英語表示方法

2021-10-13 06:19:30 字數 1556 閱讀 4105


1. 小數表示法

(1) 小數點左邊的數通常按基數詞讀,若為三位以上的數,也可按編碼式讀法讀出,即將數字單個讀出;小數點右邊的數通常按編碼式讀法單個讀出。

如:6.86 讀作: six point eight six

14.15 讀作: fourteen point one five

345.456 讀作: three four five point four five six

或讀作:three hundred and forty-five point four five six

(2) 小數中「0」的讀法,「0」在小數中通常讀作nought(英)或zero(美),也可讀作字母o。

如:0.08 讀作:(nought)point nought eight

或讀作:(zero)point zero eight

9.07 讀作: nine point o seven

2. 百分數表示法

百分數中的百分號%讀作: percent。

如:6% 讀作: six percent

0.6% 讀作: (nought) point six percent

500% 讀作: five hundred percent

3. 倍數表示法


如:this room is four times as big as mine.


this room is three times larger than that one.


the output of coal has doubled.


my aunt is as old again as i am.


productivity is increased three fold.


the volume of the sun is about 1,300,000 times that of the earth.


4. 分數表示法

(1) 較小分數的一般讀寫方法。

如:1/3 讀作: one-third

2/3 讀作: two-thirds

3/5 讀作: three-fifths

(2) 較複雜分數的簡明讀寫方法。

如:22/9 讀作: twenty-two over nine

a/b 讀作: a over b 或 讀作a divided by b

43/97 讀作: forty-three over ninety-seven

(3) 整數與分數之間須用and連線。

如:four and a half nine and two fifths

(4) 分數用作前置定語時,分母要用單數形式。注意下列寫法與讀法。

如:1/3英里 讀作: a one-third mile

3/4的多數 讀作: a three-quarter majority

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