d = #a dictionary with strings
l1 = [...] #a list with stuff
l2 = [...] #a list with numbers
for i in l1:
for key in l2:
#do some stuff
if d[key] == i:
print d[key]
import threading
d = #a dictionary with strings
l1 = [...] #a list with stuff
l2 = [...] #a list with numbers
def test(i, key):
#do the same stuff
if d[key] == i:
print d[j]
for i in l1:
for key in l2:
threading.start_new_thread(test, (i,key))
> d應該在共享記憶體中(所有執行緒都可以訪問它).我假設沒有執行緒會訪問相同的條目.
multiprocessing is a package that supports spawning processes using an
api similar to the threading module. the multiprocessing package
offers both local and remote concurrency, effectively side-stepping
the global interpreter lock by using subprocesses instead of threads.
due to this, the multiprocessing module allows the programmer to fully
leverage multiple processors on a given machine.
python執行緒問題 Python執行緒問題
該樓層疑似違規已被系統摺疊 隱藏此樓檢視此樓 coding utf 8 import random import threading class mythread threading.thread def init self,func,args,name threading.thread.init ...
python 執行緒衝突問題
執行緒衝突問題 usr bin python coding utf 8 author fmspider time 2018 5 3 10 15 function 執行緒衝突 import threading def addnum global num num 1 tem num print ok n...
多執行緒是什麼呢?多執行緒是加速程式計算的有效方式,python的多執行緒模組threading上手快速簡單 新增執行緒 import threading defadding thread print this is new thread s threading.current thread def...