這個時候得到的先驗框是針對特徵圖的尺寸並歸一化的,因此要對映到原圖計算iou或者展示,需要:def create_prior_boxes():
"""create the 441 prior (default) boxes for the network, as described in the tutorial.
vgg16最後的特徵圖尺寸為 7*7
因此總的候選框個數 = 7 * 7 * 9 = 441
:return: prior boxes in center-size coordinates, a tensor of dimensions (441, 4)
"""fmap_dims = 7 #vgg16最後的特徵圖尺寸為 7*7
obj_scales = [0.2, 0.4, 0.6]
aspect_ratios = [1., 2., 0.5]
prior_boxes =
for i in range(fmap_dims):
for j in range(fmap_dims):
# +0.5是為了從座標點移動至cell中心,/fmap_dims目的是將座標在特徵圖上歸一化
cx = (j + 0.5) / fmap_dims
cy = (i + 0.5) / fmap_dims
for obj_scale in obj_scales:
for ratio in aspect_ratios:
prior_boxes = torch.floattensor(prior_boxes).to(device) # (441, 4)
prior_boxes.clamp_(0, 1) # (441, 4) #進行了歸一化,所以使用0-1進行截斷防止越界
return prior_boxes
img_prior_boxes = prior_boxes * 影象尺寸
類似residual 網路思想,不直接對目標框進行**,而是**和真實目標框的偏差
**中的10和5是經驗取值,為了 『scaling the localization gradient』。
vgg16輸出7x7的feature map上的每個先驗框需要**:
實現方法在feature map後分別接上兩個卷積層:
self.n_classes = n_classes #21
# number of prior-boxes we are considering per position in the feature map
# 9 prior-boxes implies we use 9 different aspect ratios, etc.
n_boxes = 9
# localization prediction convolutions (predict offsets w.r.t prior-boxes)
self.loc_conv = nn.conv2d(512, n_boxes * 4, kernel_size=3, padding=1)
# class prediction convolutions (predict classes in localization boxes)
self.cl_conv = nn.conv2d(512, n_boxes * n_classes, kernel_size=3, padding=1)
... def forward(self, pool5_feats):
...# predict localization boxes' bounds (as offsets w.r.t prior-boxes)
l_conv = self.loc_conv(pool5_feats) # (n, n_boxes * 4, 7, 7)
l_conv = l_conv.permute(0, 2, 3, 1).contiguous()
# (n, 7, 7, n_boxes * 4), to match prior-box order (after .view())
# (.contiguous() ensures it is stored in a contiguous chunk of memory, needed for .view() below)
locs = l_conv.view(batch_size, -1, 4) # (n, 441, 4), there are a total 441 boxes on this feature map
# predict classes in localization boxes
c_conv = self.cl_conv(pool5_feats) # (n, n_boxes * n_classes, 7, 7)
c_conv = c_conv.permute(0, 2, 3, 1).contiguous() # (n, 7, 7, n_boxes * n_classes), to match prior-box order (after .view())
classes_scores = c_conv.view(batch_size, -1, self.n_classes) # (n, 441, n_classes), there are a total 441 boxes on this feature map
return locs, classes_scores
3.4 模型結構
字元0 數字0和 0
binoct dechex 縮寫 字元 解釋0000 000000 00nut null 空字元00110000 6048300 字元0ascii碼值 0 表示空字元,空字元就是平時所說的 0 字元 0 ascii碼值為 48,如 012 字串中的 0 表示字元 0 數字 0,所說的數字 0,就是平...
C語言 0 和0和 0
共同點 都是字元 不同點 0 對應的ascii碼是0,是ascii碼表中的第乙個字元,即空字元 判斷乙個字串是否結束的標誌就是看是否遇到 0 0 對應的ascii碼是48,48對應的十六進製制數就是0x30。0 是字串常量,字串常量是由一對雙引號括起的字串行。字串常量可以含乙個或多個字元。0 是字元...
我只在arm linux c和vc 下做了試驗,請大家在接觸其它語言環境下,小心推廣,不行就自己動手做試驗,最可靠。在arm linux c和vc 下回車換行的意義如下。回車 cr ascii碼 r 十六進製制,0x0d,回車的作用只是移動游標至該行的起始位置 換行 lf ascii碼 n 十六進製...