具體看**解釋:trim標籤 拼接字串
prefixoverrides:去掉拼串後的字串的第乙個字首 一般是 and 或 or
suffixoverrides:去掉拼串後字串的最後乙個字尾 一般是 and 或 or
首先我們需要知道要拼接的字串是什麼 ,要拼接的字串,也就是標籤當中所有條件的拼接"findbyemptrim" parametertype=
"employee" resulttype=
select * from tbl_employee
"where" prefixoverrides=
"and | or" suffixoverrides=
"and | or"
if test=
"id!=null and id!=''"
and id=#
if test=
"lastname!=null and lastname!=''"
and last_name like #
if test=
"email!=null and email!=''"
and email like #
if test=
"gender!=null and gender!=''"
and gender = # and
and id=# and last_name like # and email like # and gender = # and
如果我們需要將這些這些條件帶上,就需要去掉以上拼接字串的第乙個 and 字首 和最後乙個 and 字尾,同時也要帶上 where
更新的情況:select * from tbl_employee where id=
? and last_name like ? and email like ? and gender =
要拼接的字串,也就是標籤當中所有條件的拼接"updatebyemptrim" parametertype=
update tbl_employee
"set" suffix=
"where id = #" suffixoverrides=
if test=
"lastname!=null and lastname!=''"
last_name = #
if test=
"email!=null and email!=''"
email = #
if test=
"gender!=null and gender!=''"
gender = #
我們要實現更新功能,就需要在拼接字串的最前面加上乙個set 和去掉拼接字串最後乙個字尾』,』 然後加上where 查詢條件last_name = #
,email = #
,gender = #
update tbl_employee set last_name =
?, email =
?, gender =
? where id =
if元素用法 select id role name as rolename note from t role where id and role name like concat choose when othersize元素用法 這三個元素充當了switch語句 select role no,r...
動態sql的基本元素 if 單條件分支判斷 choose,when,otherwise 多條件分支判斷 trim,set,where 用於處理sql拼裝問題 foreach 迴圈語句 bind 定義乙個上下文變數 test 用於判斷條件是否成立 if條件判斷語句 當角色名稱不為空時,根據角色名稱查詢...
foreach標籤主要用於構建in條件,他可以在sql中對集合進行迭代。如下 delete from user where id in 我們假如說引數為 int ids 那麼列印之後的sql如下 delete form user where id in 1,2,3,4,5 釋義 collection...