alter table table_name_a modify (column_axx number(27,15));
alter table table_name_a add (column_temp number(27,15));
update table_name_a set column_temp = round(column_axx,15);
alter table table_name_a drop column column_axx;
alter table table_name_a add (column_axx number(27,15));
update table_name_a set column_axx = column_temp;
alter table table_name_a drop column column_temp;
alter table table_name_a add (column_temp number(30,15));
update table_name_a set column_temp = round(column_axx,15);
update table_name_a set column_axx = null;
alter table table_name_a modify (column_axx number(30,15));
update table_name_a set column_axx = column_temp;
alter table table_name_a drop column column_temp;
user_fu(建表): create table table_name_b;
user_fu(授權): grant select, insert, update, delete on table_name_b to user_zi;
user_fu(copy): insert into table_name_b select * from table_name_a;
user_zi(同義詞): create or replace synonym table_name_a for user_fu.table_name_b;
oracle學習筆記 調整字段順序
oracle修改表字段順序三種方式 1 重建表 備份目標表資料 create table table temp name as select from table name 刪除目標表 drop table table name 按照目標順序重建表 create table table name c...
一 以sys身份登入 以dos視窗為基礎 sqlplus as sysdba二 查詢需要修改表的id。select object id from all objects where owner scott and object name emp 注意 owner 是該錶的位置,在scott下面,注意...
oracle資料庫的四種啟動方式 1 startup nomount 非安裝啟動 這種方式啟動下可執行 重建控制檔案 重建資料庫 啟動instance,即啟動sga和後台程序,這種啟動只需要init.ora檔案。2 startup mount dbname 安裝啟動 這種方式啟動下可執行 資料庫日誌...