select count(1)
from users
select count(*)
from users
select count(id)
from users
select count(`password`)
from users
select count(`status`)
from users
1.2、分頁查詢select count(`status`)
from users
select *
from users
limit 0,10
select *
from users
limit 320000,10
select *
from users
limit 640000,10
select *
from users
limit 1600000,10
select *
from users
limit 3199990,10
select *
from users
limit 499999,10
select id,user_name,`password`,`status`,create_time
from users
limit 3199990,10
select *
from users
where id > 500000
limit 10
select *
from users
where id > 320000
limit 10
select *
from users
where id > 640000
limit 10
1.3、模糊查詢select *
from users
where id > 3199990
limit 10
select *
from users
where user_name like '%螢脂%'
select *
from users
where match(user_name) against('螢脂')
(alter table users add fulltext index name_fulltext(user_name) with parser ngram;)
users:3200000資料** mall_order的user_id未建索引前:**user_info:3200000資料
select m.id,n.age,n.name,count(1) ordernum
from users m
left join user_info n
on m.id = n.id
left join mall_order mo
on mo.user_id = n.id
where m.id > 3000000
group by n.id
limit 500
mall_order的user_id建索引後:select m.id,n.age,n.name,count(1) ordernum
from users m
left join user_info n
on m.id = n.id
left join mall_order mo
on mo.user_id = n.id
where m.id > 3000000 and mo.user_id > 3000000
group by n.id
limit 500
select m.id,n.age,n.name,count(1) ordernum
from users m
left join user_info n
on m.id = n.id
left join mall_order mo
on mo.user_id = n.id
where m.id > 3000000
group by n.id
limit 500
select m.id,n.age,n.name,count(1) ordernum
from users m
left join user_info n
on m.id = n.id
left join mall_order mo
on mo.user_id = n.id
where m.id > 3000000 and mo.user_id > 3000000
group by n.id
limit 500
select m.id,ui.age,ui.name,ui.ordernum
from users m,
(select id,age,name,ordernum
from user_info n,(select user_id,count(1) ordernum from mall_order where user_id > 3000000 group by user_id) mo
where n.id > 3000000 and mo.user_id = n.id
limit 500
) ui
where m.id = ui.id and m.id > 3000000
limit 500
檢視 mysql 語法 詳細執行時間 與 cpu 記憶體使用量 mysql query profiler mysql 的 sql 語法調整主要都是使用 explain 但是這個並沒辦法知道詳細的 ram memory cpu 等使用量.於 mysql 5.0.37 以上開始支援 mysql quer...
檢視 mysql 語法 詳細執行時間 與 cpu 記憶體使用量 mysql query profiler mysql 的 sql 語法調整主要都是使用 explain 但是這個並沒辦法知道詳細的 ram memory cpu 等使用量.於 mysql 5.0.37 以上開始支援 mysql quer...
mysql 的 sql 語法調整主要都是使用 explain 但是這個並沒辦法知道詳細的 ram memory cpu 等使用量.於 mysql 5.0.37 以上開始支援 mysql query profiler,可以查詢到此 sql 會執行多少時間,並看出 cpu memory 使用量,執行過程...