將乙個給定字串根據給定的行數,以從上往下、從左到右進行 z 字形排列。比如輸入字串為 "leetcodeishiring" 行數為 3 時,排列如下:
l c i r
e t o e s i i g
e d h n
string convert(string s, int numrows);
示例 1:
輸入: s = "leetcodeishiring", numrows = 3
輸出: "lciretoesiigedhn"
示例 2:
輸入: s = "leetcodeishiring", numrows = 4
輸出: "ldreoeiiecihntsg"
解釋:l d r
e o e i i
e c i h n
t s g
class solution:
def convert(self, s: str, numrows: int) -> str:
if numrows < 2:
return s
newlist = ['' for _ in range(numrows)]
flag = -1
start = 0
for i in s:
newlist[start] += i
if start == 0 or start == numrows - 1:
flag = -flag
start += flag
return ''.join(newlist)
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