basechart *******pie(int /* chartindex */, const char **imagemap)
;// the labels for the pie chart
const char *labels[7] /*= */;
/*const char *labels = ;*/
cstring str0 = _t("東方0");
cstring str1 = _t("東方1");
cstring str2 = _t("東方2");
cstring str3 = _t("東方3");
cstring str4 = _t("東方4");
cstring str5 = _t("東方5");
cstring str6 = _t("東方6");
labels[0] = tchartoutf8(str0);
labels[1] = tchartoutf8(str1);
labels[2] = tchartoutf8(str2);
labels[3] = tchartoutf8(str3);
labels[4] = tchartoutf8(str4);
labels[5] = tchartoutf8(str5);
labels[6] = tchartoutf8(str6);
// create a piechart object of size 360 x 300 pixels
piechart *c = new piechart(360, 300);
//c->setdefaultfonts("宋體", "宋體");
//c->setfonttable(1, "宋體");
//c->setdefaultfonts("simsun.ttc", "simsun.ttc", "simsun.ttc", "simsun.ttc");
// set the center of the pie at (180, 140) and the radius to 100 pixels
c->setpiesize(180, 140, 100);
cstring str = _t("中國");
c->addtitle(tchartoutf8(str), "simsun.ttc", 30);
// set the pie data and the pie labels
c->setdata(doublearray(data, (int)(sizeof(data) / sizeof(data[0]))), stringarray(labels, (int)(
sizeof(labels) / sizeof(labels[0]))));
// output the chart
//include tool tip for the chart
*imagemap = c->gethtmlimagemap("clickable", "", "title=': us$k (%)'");
return c;
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