# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""created on 20-3-6
@author: zmcldw
@requirements: pycharm 2018.2.4; python 3.6.0 |anaconda 4.3.1 (64-bit)
@decription: statistic the numbers of classes in labels
"""import os
import xml.dom.minidom
annopath =
''annolist = os.listdir(annopath)
rate =
# 建立乙個字典用於存放標籤名和對應的出現次數
# total = 0
for annotation in annolist:
fullname = annopath + annotation
dom = xml.dom.minidom.parse(fullname)
# 開啟xml檔案
collection = dom.documentelement # 獲取元素物件
objectlist = collection.getelementsbytagname(
)# 獲取標籤名為object的資訊
in objectlist:
namelist =
)# 獲取子標籤name的資訊
objectname = namelist[0]
.data # 取到name具體的值
if objectname not
in rate:
# 判斷字典裡有沒有標籤,如無新增相應字段
# total += 1
# print(total)
# 畫圖
# import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# object =
# number =
# for key in rate:
# plt.figure()
# plt.bar(object, number)
# plt.title('result')
# plt.show()
統計yolo 測試集標籤中,共有目標個數
import numpy as np data count 0 for line in open h dataset data text all.txt r 設定檔案物件並讀取每一行檔案,測試集路徑 print data f3 open e code tx dir.txt r for a in da...
線段樹練習3 盒子的個數 統計標記種類
桌子上零散地按照後先後順序放著若干個盒子,盒子都平行於牆。桌子的後方是一堵牆。如圖所示。問從桌子前方可以看到多少個盒子?假設人站得足夠遠。第1行 3個整數l,r,n。100000 l r 100000,表示牆所在的區間 1 n 100000,表示盒子的個數 接下來n行,每行2個整數bl,br,100...
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