const privateroute = () =>
import react, from "react";
import from "react-router-dom";
// 1. click the public page
// 2. click the protected page
// 3. log in
// 4. click the back button, note the url each time
function authexample()
const fakeauth = ,
};const authbutton = withrouter(
() =>
fakeauth.isauthenticated ? (
sign out
) : (
you are not logged in.
));function privateroute()
);}function public()
function protected()
class login extends component ;
login = () => );
render() = this.props.location.state || };
let = this.state;
if (redirecttoreferrer) return ;
return (
you must log in to view the page at
log in
export default authexample;
摘自:import react, from 'react';
import from 'react-router-dom';
import createbrowserhistory from 'history/createbrowserhistory'
const history = createbrowserhistory();
// 按路由拆分**
import loadable from 'react-loadable';
const loadingcomponent = () =>
// handle the error state
else if (error)
};const index = loadable();
const home= loadable();
const login= loadable();
/** * (路由根目錄元件,顯示當前符合條件的元件)
* * @class roots
* @extends
*/class roots extends component );}
}// 登入驗證
function requireauth(layout, props) else
}let router = process.env.node_env !== 'production' ? browserrouter : hashrouter;
const routeconfig = (
requireauth(home, props)} />
);export default routeconfig;
const privateroute = () =>
import react, from "react";
import from "react-router-dom";
// 1. click the public page
// 2. click the protected page
// 3. log in
// 4. click the back button, note the url each time
function authexample()
const fakeauth = ,
};const authbutton = withrouter(
() =>
fakeauth.isauthenticated ? (
sign out
) : (
you are not logged in.
));function privateroute()
);}function public()
function protected()
class login extends component ;
login = () => );
render() = this.props.location.state || };
let = this.state;
if (redirecttoreferrer) return ;
return (
you must log in to view the page at
log in
export default authexample;
摘自:import react, from 'react';
import from 'react-router-dom';
import createbrowserhistory from 'history/createbrowserhistory'
const history = createbrowserhistory();
// 按路由拆分**
import loadable from 'react-loadable';
const loadingcomponent = () =>
// handle the error state
else if (error)
};const index = loadable();
const home= loadable();
const login= loadable();
/** * (路由根目錄元件,顯示當前符合條件的元件)
* * @class roots
* @extends
*/class roots extends component );}
}// 登入驗證
function requireauth(layout, props) else
}let router = process.env.node_env !== 'production' ? browserrouter : hashrouter;
const routeconfig = (
requireauth(home, props)} />
);export default routeconfig;
React Router 4 0 實現路由守衛
在使用 vue 或者 angular 的時候,框架提供了路由守衛功能,用來在進入某個路有前進行一些校驗工作,如果校驗失敗,就跳轉到 404 或者登陸頁面,比如 vue 中的beforeenter函式 router.beforeeach async to,from,next 在之前的版本中,react...
react router 4 0 公升級攻略
react router 4.0 出來好9了,專案在4月份的時候對react router進行了公升級,公升級耗費了3天,乙個坑乙個坑踩了過來。按照公司專案情況說下公升級改了哪些,專案使用的是hashhistory,browserhistory 的情況就不清楚了 1.package.json 配置修...
40 用棧實現佇列
正如標題所述,你需要使用兩個棧來實現佇列的一些操作。佇列應支援push element pop 和 top 其中pop是彈出佇列中的第乙個 最前面的 元素。pop和top方法都應該返回第乙個元素的值。例1 輸入 push 1 pop push 2 push 3 top pop 輸出 1 22 例2 ...