sub 將查詢結果儲存為csv ()
if checkbox1.value = true then
tex = "a.eutrancellfdd"
elseif checkbox2.value = true then
tex = "a.eutrancelltdd"
end if
dim cnn, sql$, a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, l, m
set cnn = createobject("adodb.connection")
set rs = createobject("adodb.recordset")
cnn.open "provider = microsoft.ace.oledb.12.0;extended properties =text;data source =" & thisworkbook.path & "\"
sql = "select erbs," & tex & " as cell,(iif(instr(" & tex & ",'d-')>0,'tdd d',iif(instr(" & tex & ",'f-')>0,'tdd f',iif(instr(" & tex & ",'gs-')>0,'fdd900',iif(instr(" & tex & ",'dc-')>0,'fdd1800',iif(instr(" & tex & ",'a-')>0,'tdd a','tdd e')))))) as 頻段 from [kpi.csv] a group by " & tex & ",erbs"
set rs = cnn.execute(sql)
arr = cnn.execute(sql).getrows
brr = rs.fields.count 'rs.fields.count
open thisworkbook.path & "\小區列表.csv" for output as #1
print #1, rs.fields(0).name + chr(44) + rs.fields(1).name + chr(44) + rs.fields(2).name
for j = 0 to ubound(arr, 2) '列數
'for l = 0 to brr - 1
print #1, arr(0, j) + chr(44) + arr(1, j) + chr(44) + arr(2, j)
close #1
set rst = nothing
set cnn = nothing
msgbox ("ok")
end sub
set cnn = createobject("adodb.connection")
set rs = createobject("adodb.recordset")
cnn.mode = admodereadwrite
cnn.open "provider=microsoft.ace.oledb.12.0;extended properties=""text;hdr=yes;fmt=delimited(,)"";data source=" & thisworkbook.path & "\"
sql = "select replace(ip,'.log','') as ip,eutrancell,eutranfreqrelation,eutrancellrelation,cellindividualoffseteutran,ishoallowed,qoffsetcelleutran,[loadbalancing(0:not_allowed/1:allowed)],[scellcandidate(1:allowed/2:auto)] from [eutrancellrelation.csv]"
set rs = cnn.execute(sql) '將sql語句獲得的資料傳
open thisworkbook.path & "\output.csv" for output as #1
for m = 0 to rs.fields.count - 1
print #1, rs.fields(m).name + chr(44);
print #1, '\n'
arr = cnn.execute(sql).getrows
brr = rs.fields.count 'rs.fields.count
for j = 0 to ubound(arr, 2) '列數
for l = 0 to brr - 1
print #1, arr(l, j) + chr(44); '''';分號表示不換行
print #1, '\n'
close #1
set rst = nothing
set cnn = nothing
msgbox "ok"
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