
2021-10-01 17:33:28 字數 1329 閱讀 9144


import sys

# 引用當前資料夾下的single_linked_list

from singly_linked_list import singlylinkedlist

def reverse(head):


reverse_head = none

while head:

temp_next = head.next

head.next = reverse_head

reverse_head = head

head = temp.next

return revese_head

def is_palindrome(l):

# 利用快慢指標先找到中間結點


slow = l._head

fast = l._head

position = 0

while fast and fast.next:

slow = slow.next

fast = fast.next.next

position += 1


reverse_node = reverse(slow)

head_node = l._head

is_palin = true

while (head_node and reverse_node):

if (head_node.data == reverse_node.data):

head_node = head_node.next

reverse_node = reverse_node.next


is_palin = false


return is_palin

if __name__ == '__main__':

# the result should be false, true, true, true, true

test_str_arr = ['ab', 'aa', 'aba', 'abba', 'abcba']

for str in test_str_arr:

l = singlylinkedlist()

for i in str:



leetcode 234 判斷是不是回文鍊錶

聰明的我想到了利用棧先進後出的特性,求出鍊錶的長度之後前一半入棧,後一半出棧的方法,雖然簡單易懂,但是效率有點低,貼 definition for singly linked list.struct listnode listnode int x val x next nullptr listnod...

判斷一條單向鍊錶是不是 回文

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判斷是不是回文鍊錶的方法 3種

struct treelist treelist int a 使用棧來做,這是最簡單的方法,空間複雜度為o n bool isre 1 treelist p while p return true 使用快慢指標尋找中點,能夠比普通的暴力解法省一半的空間 bool isre 2 treelist p ...