select *
from table
where t_table_id in
(select distinct s.t_table_id
( select distinct a.t_table_id,a.bt
(select left(bt,4) as bbt,* from table where fsrq>getdate()-1 and gkbz=1 and scbz=0) a,
(select distinct left(bt,4) as bbt,t_table_id from table where fsrq>getdate()-1 and gkbz=1 and scbz=0) b
where b.bbt like a.bbt and a.t_table_id<>b.t_table_id
and a.bbt not like '%aaaa%' and a.bbt not like '%bbbb%' and a.bbt not like '%cccc%'
and a.bbt not like '%dddd%' and a.bbt not like '%eeee%' and a.bbt not like '%ffff%'
and a.bbt not like '%aaaa%' and a.bbt not like '%bbbb%' and a.bbt not like '%cccc%'
and a.bbt not like '%dddd%' and a.bbt not like '%eeee%' and a.bbt not like '%ffff%'
-- order by a.bt
union all
select distinct a.t_table_id,a.bt
(select right(bt,5) as bbt,* from table where fsrq>getdate()-1 and gkbz=1 and scbz=0) a,
(select distinct right(bt,5) as bbt,t_table_id from table where fsrq>getdate()-1 and gkbz=1 and scbz=0) b
where b.bbt like a.bbt and a.t_table_id<>b.t_table_id
and a.bbt not like '%aaaa%' and a.bbt not like '%bbbb%' and a.bbt not like '%cccc%'
and a.bbt not like '%dddd%' and a.bbt not like '%eeee%' and a.bbt not like '%ffff%'
and a.bbt not like '%aaaa%' and a.bbt not like '%bbbb%' and a.bbt not like '%cccc%'
and a.bbt not like '%dddd%' and a.bbt not like '%eeee%' and a.bbt not like '%ffff%'
and a.bbt not like '%'+(select right(convert(varchar(10),getdate()-1,20),2)+')') +'%'
and b.bbt not like '%'+(select right(convert(varchar(10),getdate()-1,20),2)+')') +'%'
) s
)order by bt
select left(bt,4) as bbt,* from table where fsrq>getdate()-1 and gkbz=1 and scbz=0
select distinct left(bt,4) as bbt,t_table_id from table where fsrq>getdate()-1 and gkbz=1 and scbz=0
/*with temp1 as
(select left(bt,4) as bbt,* from table where fsrq>getdate()-1 and gkbz=1 and scbz=0),
temp2 as
(select distinct left(bt,4) as bbt,t_table_id from table where fsrq>getdate()-1 and gkbz=1 and scbz=0),
te*** as
(select left(bt,5) as bbt,* from table where fsrq>getdate()-1 and gkbz=1 and scbz=0),
temp4 as
(select distinct left(bt,5) as bbt,t_table_id from table where fsrq>getdate()-1 and gkbz=1 and scbz=0)
*/print convert(varchar,getdate(),9)
select left(bt,4) as bbt,* into #temp1 from table where fsrq>getdate()-1 and gkbz=1 and scbz=0
select distinct left(bt,4) as bbt,t_table_id into #temp2 from table where fsrq>getdate()-1 and gkbz=1 and scbz=0
select right(bt,5) as bbt,* into #te*** from table where fsrq>getdate()-1 and gkbz=1 and scbz=0
select distinct right(bt,5) as bbt,t_table_id into #temp4 from table where fsrq>getdate()-1 and gkbz=1 and scbz=0
(select ms from xtclb where dm=lmxz and lb in (130,131) ) as '欄目選擇',
from table
where t_table_id in
(select distinct s.t_table_id
( select distinct a.t_table_id,a.bt
#temp1 a,
#temp2 b
where b.bbt like a.bbt and a.t_table_id<>b.t_table_id
and a.bbt not in ('aaaa','bbbb','cccc','dddd','eeee','ffff')
and b.bbt not in ('aaaa','bbbb','cccc','dddd','eeee','ffff')
union all
select distinct a.t_table_id,a.bt
#te*** a,
#temp4 b
where b.bbt like a.bbt and a.t_table_id<>b.t_table_id
and a.bbt not like '%aaaa%' and a.bbt not like '%bbbb%' and a.bbt not like '%cccc%'
and a.bbt not like '%dddd%' and a.bbt not like '%eeee%' and a.bbt not like '%ffff%'
and a.bbt not like '%'+(select right(convert(varchar(10),getdate()-1,20),2)+')') +'%'
and a.bbt not like '%aaaa%' and a.bbt not like '%bbbb%' and a.bbt not like '%cccc%'
and a.bbt not like '%dddd%' and a.bbt not like '%eeee%' and a.bbt not like '%ffff%'
and b.bbt not like '%'+(select right(convert(varchar(10),getdate()-1,20),2)+')') +'%'
) s
)order by bt
--option (loop join);
print convert(varchar,getdate(),9)
/*drop table #temp1
drop table #temp2
drop table #te***
drop table #temp4*/
SQL Server效能優化
一 分析階段 一般來說,在系統分析階段往往有太多需要關注的地方,系統各種功能性 可用性 可靠性 安全性需求往往吸引了我們大部分的注意力,但是,我們必須注意,效能是很重要的非功能性需求,必須根據系統的特點確定其實時性需求 響應時間的需求 硬體的配置等。最好能有各種需求的量化的指標。另一方面,在分析階段...
SQL Server 效能優化
伺服器效能優化 1.建立效能基線 2.建立監視 3.分析監視結果 1.windows工具 perfmon,tskmgr,eventmon,netmon 2.sql server 工具 事件探查器 查詢優化顧問 sql 管理器 log執行計畫 活動監視 各種report tsql 效能優化 1.目標 ...
資料庫於週日被重啟了,剛好看看優化後的效果,順便再找找新的需要優化的sql 剛好找到了類似的幾條語句,如下 select from tablea where id not in select id from tableb 從執行時間20秒 70秒不等。開始分析 首先是否用上索引,兩個id均是主鍵所以...