二十一 Oracle安裝步驟

2021-09-21 18:13:57 字數 1250 閱讀 3925

按照正常步驟 安裝oracle



create user lsc identified by lsc123456; 建立使用者

create user pitaya identified by 123456; 建立使用者

create user boss identified by 123456; 建立使用者


grant connect,resource,dba to pitaya;

grant connect,resource,dba to boss;


grant select any dictionary to pitaya;

grant create view to pitaya;

grant select any table to pitaya;

create tablespace pty


size 2000m

autoextend on

next 200m maxsize 20480m

extent management local;


imp pitaya/123456@ file=d:\pitaya.dmp full=y ignore=y;

imp boss/123456@ file=d:\boss.dmp full=y ignore=y;


exp boss/123456 file=***

exp pitay_fj/123456@orcl file=c:\users\administrator\desktop\1\pitaya0702.dmp full=y;

exp boss_fj/123456@orcl file=c:\users\administrator\desktop\1\boss0702.dmp full=y;

grant select,insert,update ,delete on afa_user to devpitaya

grant connect,resource,dba to devpitaya;

grant all privileges to devpitaya;

grant all privileges to boss_bz

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