pro roitotiff
filters = '*.txt'
inputfile = dialog_pickfile(title = 'please select a roi file' ,/read, filter = filters)
if inputfile eq '' then return
outputfile = file_dirname(inputfile) + '\' + file_basename(inputfile,'.txt') + '.tif'
outputlog = file_dirname(inputfile) + '\' + file_basename(inputfile,'.txt') + '_logs.txt'
str = ''
openr, 1, inputfile
;read the first line, check if this is a valid file
readf, 1, str
if ~(strcmp(str, '; envi output of rois', 21)) then begin
close, 1
result = dialog_message('this is not a valid envi roi text file!', /information)
;wirte log file
openw, 2, outputlog, width = 300
printf, 2, 'input roi text file: ', inputfile
printf, 2, 'output roi tiff file: ', outputfile
;read the second line, get the number of rois
readf, 1, str
strs = strsplit(str, /extract)
n_rois = fix(strs[4])
printf, 2, 'number of rois: ', strtrim(n_rois, 2)
n_pts = lonarr(n_rois)
roi_names = strarr(n_rois)
;read the third line, get the file dimension
readf, 1, str
strs = strsplit(str, /extract)
ns = fix(strs[3])
nl = fix(strs[5])
printf, 2, 'file dimension: ', strtrim(ns, 2), ' x ', strtrim(nl, 2)
printf, 2, 'roi_name > tiff_value'
imgdata = bytarr(ns, nl)
;the next block is the information of each roi
for i = 0, n_rois-1 do begin
;the fist line is ';'
readf, 1, str
;the secont line is roi name
readf, 1, str
strs = strtrim(strsplit(str, ':', /extract), 2)
roi_names[i] = strs[1]
printf, 2, strs[1], ' > ', strtrim(i+1, 2)
;the third line is roi rgb value
readf, 1, str
;the forth line is the roi npts
readf, 1, str
strs = strtrim(strsplit(str, ':', /extract), 2)
n_pts[i] = long(strs[1])
;the next line is '; id x y b1 ...' or '; id addr b1 ...'
readf, 1, str
strs = strsplit(str, count = cnt, /extract)
;the next block is roi points
for i = 0, n_rois-1 do begin
if strs[2] eq 'x' then begin ;this correspond to the sample/line locations
data = fltarr(cnt-1, n_pts[i])
readf, 1, data
if i ne (n_rois-1) then readf, 1, str
pos = long((transpose(data[2,*])-1)*ns + transpose(data[1,*]) - 1)
endif else begin ;this correspond to the 1d locations
data = fltarr(cnt-1, n_pts[i])
readf, 1, data
if i ne (n_rois-1) then readf, 1, str
pos = long(transpose(data[1,*]))
imgdata[pos] = byte(i+1)
write_tiff, outputfile, imgdata
close, 1
close, 2
result = dialog_message('roi to tiff complete!', /information)
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這個在php mssql 日期型別為datetime ajax的時候才能用到,js需要把時間戳轉為為普通格式,一般的情況下可能用不到 彈出 2010年12月23日 10 53 也可以用 如果想彈出 2010 10 20 10 00 00這個格式的也好辦 view plain cop另外我也參考了別的...