jQuery原始碼閱讀2 init

2021-09-19 23:37:34 字數 1070 閱讀 8785




function init(selector , context , rootjquery)


if( selector.nodetype )

//如果傳入了body,噼里啪啦立刻return this

if( selector === "body" && !context && document.body)


if( typeof selector === "string")


if( match && (match[1] || !context )



return jquery.merge( this, selector );



this.length = 1;

this[0] = elem;


this.context = document;

this.selector = selector;

return this;}}

else if ( !context || context.jquery )


}//如果傳入 $(function)

else if ( jquery.isfunction( selector ) )

if( selector.selector !== undefined)

return jquery.makearray( selector, this );



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