select sname,city from s where sno=
select pno from p where color =
select jname from j where city=
select sno from spj where jno=
and pno =
--大--》小 upper(欄位名)
--小--》大 lower(欄位名)
select sname,sno,lower(sno) sno from s;
distinct sno from spj ;
select s.sname,s.city from spj spj,s s where spj.sno=s.sno order
by s.city asc
,s.sname desc
select jno from spj where sno=
by jno asc
from spj;
select pno,pname,color from p where pname like
select s.sname,
from spj sj,s s where pno=
and s.sno = sj.sno group
by s.sname;
distinct sno from spj where pno in
(select pno from p where color=
distinct pno from spj where sno in
(select sno from s where city=
select jname from j where jno in
(select jno from spj where sno in
(select sno from s where city=
--用not in ?還是exists
distinct jno from spj where sno notin(
select sno from s where city=
distinct jno from spj where sno notin(
select sno from s where city=
)and pno in
(select pno from p where color=
distinct jno from spj where sno in
(select sno from spj where sno=
distinct jno from spj where sno in
(select sno from spj where sno=
資料庫實驗二 資料庫 表的建立和維護
建立資料庫 create database hisdb 選擇當前資料庫 use hisdb 建立doctor表 create table doctor did varchar 6 not null primary key,dname varchar 10 not null title varchar...
資料庫(實驗2 資料庫表)
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1.dbms 登入帳號管理 create login sqluser with password pswdforuser 1 create login sqluser2 with password pswdforuser 123 create login uselessuser with passw...