db2 新建使用者建立資料庫流程
useradd -g users -d /home/audit -s /bin/bash -m audit
passwd audit
root@ubuntu:~# su - db2das
db2das@ubuntu:~$ db2admin start
sql4406w the db2 administration server was started successfully.
db2inst1@ubuntu:~$ db2start
2014-06-06 00:38:51 0 0 sql1063n db2start processing was successful.
db2inst1@ubuntu:~$ db2 create database audit using codeset gbk territory cn
db20000i the create database command completed successfully.
db2inst1@ubuntu:~$ db2 connect to audit
database connection information
database server = db2/linuxx8664 9.7.1
sql authorization id = db2inst1
local database alias = audit
db2inst1@ubuntu:~$ db2 grant dbadm on database to user audit
db20000i the sql command completed successfully.
db2inst1@ubuntu:~$ db2 create schema audit authorization audit
db20000i the sql command completed successfully.
audit@ubuntu:~$ db2 connect to audit
database connection information
database server = db2/linuxx8664 9.7.1
sql authorization id = audit
local database alias = audit
audit@ubuntu:~$ db2 set current schema audit
db20000i the sql command completed successfully.
db2 新建使用者建立資料庫流程
useradd -g users -d /home/audit -s /bin/bash -m audit
passwd audit
root@ubuntu:~# su - db2das
db2das@ubuntu:~$ db2admin start
sql4406w the db2 administration server was started successfully.
db2inst1@ubuntu:~$ db2start
2014-06-06 00:38:51 0 0 sql1063n db2start processing was successful.
db2inst1@ubuntu:~$ db2 create database audit using codeset gbk territory cn
db20000i the create database command completed successfully.
db2inst1@ubuntu:~$ db2 connect to audit
database connection information
database server = db2/linuxx8664 9.7.1
sql authorization id = db2inst1
local database alias = audit
db2inst1@ubuntu:~$ db2 grant dbadm on database to user audit
db20000i the sql command completed successfully.
db2inst1@ubuntu:~$ db2 create schema audit authorization audit
db20000i the sql command completed successfully.
audit@ubuntu:~$ db2 connect to audit
database connection information
database server = db2/linuxx8664 9.7.1
sql authorization id = audit
local database alias = audit
audit@ubuntu:~$ db2 set current schema audit
db20000i the sql command completed successfully.
DB2 新建使用者建立資料庫流程
分享一下我老師大神的人工智慧教程!零基礎,通俗易懂!db2 新建使用者建立資料庫流程 1.新增使用者 useradd g users d home audit s bin bash m audit 2.修改使用者密碼 passwd audit 3.啟動資料庫 root ubuntu su db2da...
DB2 新建使用者建立資料庫流程
首先給大家分享乙個巨牛巨牛的人工智慧教程,是我無意中發現的。教程不僅零基礎,通俗易懂,而且非常風趣幽默,還時不時有內涵段子,像看 一樣,哈哈 我正在學習中,覺得太牛了,所以分享給大家!點這裡可以跳轉到教程 db2 新建使用者建立資料庫流程 1.新增使用者 useradd g users d home...
建立 DB2 資料庫
可以使用 tivoli privacy manager 資料庫建立程式或使用資料庫產品介面可以建立 tivoli privacy manager 資料庫 表和配置資料庫。使用 db2 資料庫建立程式 使用 tivoli privacy manager 資料庫建立程式來建立 tivoli privac...