NPM酷庫045 js yaml,讀寫YAML

2021-09-14 02:27:22 字數 1289 閱讀 1018





receipt: oz-ware purchase invoice

date: 2012-08-06

customer: #物件

given: dorothy

family: gale

items: # 物件陣列

- part_no: a4786

descrip: water bucket (filled)

price: 1.47

quantity: 4

- part_no: e1628

descrip: high heeled "ruby" slippers

size: 8

price: 133.7

quantity: 1

bill-to: &id001 # 錨點標記 id001

street: | # 多行字串

123 tornado alley

suite 16

city: east centerville

state: ks

ship-to: *id001 # 引用錨點標記id001的資料

specialdelivery: > # 多行字串

follow the yellow brick

road to the emerald city.

pay no attention to the

man behind the curtain.



js-yaml 是乙個專門用來讀寫yaml格式資料的庫,他可以將js物件轉換成yaml字串,也可以將yaml字串轉換為js物件。

const yaml = require('js-yaml');

const fs = require('fs');

let obj = yaml.safeload(fs.readfilesync('example.yml', 'utf8'));

let str = yaml.safedump(obj);

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