插入資料--create database study;
use study;
create table s(
sno varchar(20) primary key not null,
sname varchar(20) not null,
*** varchar(10),
dept varchar(20),
birth datetime
);create table c(
cno varchar(20) primary key not null,
cname varchar(20) not null,
pcno varchar(20)
);create table sc(
sno varchar(20) not null foreign key references s(sno),
cno varchar(20) not null foreign key references c(cno),
g int,
primary key(sno,cno)
更新操作use study;
insert into s values('001','張三','男','cs','1995-02-12');
insert into s values('002','李四','男','cs','1995-02-12');
insert into s values('003','王二','女','ma','1995-02-12');
insert into s values('004','趙六','女','ma','1995-02-12');
insert into s values('005','孫七','男','ma','1995-02-12');
insert into c values('101','計算機系統','201');
insert into c values('102','軟體工程','205');
insert into c values('103','計算機網路','202');
insert into c values('104','資料結構','207');
insert into c values('105','編譯原理','203');
insert into sc values('001','101',80);
insert into sc values('002','103',77);
insert into sc values('003','104',82);
insert into sc values('004','105',66);
insert into sc values('005','102',78);
更新方式一,使用update set from where
更新方式二,使用in子句update sc set g=g+g*0.05
from sc,s,c
where sc.sno=s.sno and sc.cno=c.cno and dept='ma';
select * from sc;
update sc set g=g-g*0.05 where sno in(
select sno from s
where dept='ma'
);select * from sc;
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