1.進度條進度滿進度與未滿進度,計算onewidth = mwidth / mmaxprogress(單位進度佔的寬度=總寬度/滿進度);
2.文字顯示,先計算文字的寬度,三個狀態(起始位置 <= 文字寬度 / 當前位置 +文字寬度》=寬度/之間的),分別進行計算
protected void ondraw(canvas canvas) else
canvas.drawroundrect(rectfm, num8, num8, mpaint);
rect rect = new rect();
string speed = mcurrentprogress + "%";
txtpaint.gettextbounds(speed, 0, speed.length(), rect);
textheight = rect.height();
textwidth = rect.width();
if (mcurrentprogress == mmaxprogress) else else
if (x + textwidth >= mwidth) else
實際專案中,可有很多的擴充套件,但是有時候實際專案不需要把很多不需要的方法,設定屬性的方法等給寫出來,根據專案的需求去寫相關方法、屬性設定public void setprogress(int progress)
* licensed to the apache software foundation (asf) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. see the notice file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* to you under the apache license, version 2.0 (the
* "license"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the license. you may obtain a copy of the license at
* *
* * software distributed under the license is distributed on an
* "as is" basis, without warranties or conditions of any
* kind, either express or implied. see the license for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the license.
*/package com.numberview;
import android.content.context;
import android.graphics.canvas;
import android.graphics.color;
import android.graphics.paint;
import android.graphics.rect;
import android.graphics.rectf;
import android.support.annotation.nullable;
import android.util.attributeset;
import android.view.view;
/** * created by wujun on 2017/9/20.
* * @author madreain
* @desc
*/public class numberview1 extends view
public numberview1(context context, @nullable attributeset attrs)
public numberview1(context context, @nullable attributeset attrs, int defstyleattr)
private void init
() @override
protected void onsizechanged(int w, int h, int oldw, int oldh)
protected void ondraw(canvas canvas) else
canvas.drawroundrect(rectfm, num8, num8, mpaint);
rect rect = new rect();
string speed = mcurrentprogress + "%";
txtpaint.gettextbounds(speed, 0, speed.length(), rect);
textheight = rect.height();
textwidth = rect.width();
if (mcurrentprogress == mmaxprogress) else else
if (x + textwidth >= mwidth) else }}
public float dp2px(float dp)
public float sp2px(float sp)
public void setprogress(int progress)
numberview github demo位址
自定義View 圓形進度條
首先在res values下建立乙個attrs資源資料夾 自定義view public class circleprogressview extends view public circleprogressview context context,attributeset attrs private...
自定義view (三) 用view圓環進度條
參考的鴻揚大神的部落格 部落格位址 做了乙個圓環進度條,感覺可以深入下,做乙個環形的餅狀圖 照著他的 敲了一遍,初步理解了,裡面給了非常詳細的注釋,主要看 步驟還是一樣 1 自定義view的屬性 2 在view的構造方法中獲得我們自定義的屬性 3 重寫onmesure 4 重寫ondraw 新建vi...
自定義進度條 1 繪製底色 灰色 2 繪製進度 藍色 3 繪製最大的進度 純藍色 rectf rf new rectf 0,0,mwidth,mheight 繪製圓角矩形,背景色為畫筆顏色 mpaint.setcolor color.rgb 220,220,220 canvas.drawroundr...