stdio h,io h,STDLIB h簡單說明

2021-09-11 05:55:53 字數 3178 閱讀 3721




c:\program files (x86)\microsoft visual studio 10.0\vc\include


this file defines the structures, values, macros, and functions used by the level 2 i/o ("standard i/o") routines. [ansi/system v]

typedef unsigned __int64    size_t;

typedef unsigned short wchar_t;

struct _iobuf ;

typedef struct _iobuf file;

file *fp;

_crtimp extern file _iob

#define stdin  (&_iob[0])

#define stdout (&_iob[1])

#define stderr (&_iob[2])

--- this file contains the function declarations for the low-level.file handling and i/o functions.

typedef __int64             intptr_t;

typedef __int64   time_t;       /* time value */

struct _finddata_t ;

_crtimp int __cdecl _access(const char *, int);

_crtimp int __cdecl _chmod(const char *, int);

_crtimp int __cdecl _chsize(int, long);

_crtimp int __cdecl _close(int);

_crtimp int __cdecl _commit(int);

_crtimp int __cdecl _creat(const char *, int);

_crtimp int __cdecl _dup(int);

_crtimp int __cdecl _dup2(int, int);

_crtimp int __cdecl _eof(int);

_crtimp long __cdecl _filelength(int);

_crtimp intptr_t __cdecl _findfirst(const char *, struct _finddata_t *);

_crtimp int __cdecl _findnext(intptr_t, struct _finddata_t *);

_crtimp int __cdecl _findclose(intptr_t);

_crtimp int __cdecl _isatty(int);

_crtimp int __cdecl _locking(int, int, long);

_crtimp long __cdecl _lseek(int, long, int);

_crtimp char * __cdecl _mktemp(char *);

_crtimp int __cdecl _open(const char *, int, ...);

_crtimp int __cdecl _pipe(int *, unsigned int, int);

_crtimp int __cdecl _read(int, void *, unsigned int);

_crtimp int __cdecl remove(const char *);

_crtimp int __cdecl rename(const char *, const char *);

_crtimp int __cdecl _setmode(int, int);

_crtimp int __cdecl _sopen(const char *, int, int, ...);

_crtimp long __cdecl _tell(int);

_crtimp int __cdecl _umask(int);

_crtimp int __cdecl _unlink(const char *);

_crtimp int __cdecl _write(int, const void *, unsigned int);


#define exit_success    0

#define exit_failure    1

#define _max_path   260 /* max. length of full pathname */

#define _max_drive  3   /* max. length of drive component */

#define _max_dir    256 /* max. length of path component */

#define _max_fname  256 /* max. length of file name component */

#define _max_ext    256 /* max. length of extension component */

errno_t __cdecl _set_errno(_in_ int _value);

errno_t __cdecl _get_errno(_out_ int * _value);

_crtimp __declspec(noreturn) void __cdecl exit(_in_ int _code);

_check_return_ _crtimp double  __cdecl atof(_in_z_ const char *_string);

_check_return_ _crtimp __int64 __cdecl _atoi64(_in_z_ const char * _string);

_check_return_ _crtimp double __cdecl _wtof(_in_z_ const wchar_t *_str);

inline long abs(long _x)


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