c c 時間函式學習筆記

2021-09-10 23:52:23 字數 1638 閱讀 3722

#include #include #include #include #include using namespace std;

int main(int argc, char * ar**)

// for debug

/*for (vector::iterator it = time.begin(); it != time.end(); it++)

*/// 將tm結構時間轉化為time_t時間

cout << time1[0] << endl;

struct tm *time_info2 = null;

time_info2 = (struct tm*)malloc(sizeof(struct tm));

time_info2->tm_year = time1[0] - 1900;

time_info2->tm_mon = time1[1] - 1;

time_info2->tm_mday = time1[2];

time_info2->tm_hour = time1[3];

time_info2->tm_min = time1[4];

time_info2->tm_sec = time1[5];

time_info2->tm_isdst = 0; //夏令時識別符號也需要賦值,否則會出錯

printf( "the time is %4d_%02d_%02d_%02d_%02d_%02d\n", time_info2->tm_year+1900, time_info2->tm_mon+1, \

time_info2->tm_mday, time_info2->tm_hour, time_info2->tm_min, time_info2->tm_sec);

time_t cur_time2;

cur_time2 = mktime(time_info2);

cout << "the current time is " << cur_time2 << endl;


time_t raw_time3;

raw_time3 = time(nullptr);

cout << raw_time3 << endl;

// difftime 比較兩個時間相差的秒數,前面的秒數比後面大,則返回正數,否則返回負數

double seconds = difftime(raw_time3, cur_time2);

cout << "the seconds is " << seconds << endl;





the raw_time is 1550243429

the time buffer is 2019_02_15_23_10_29





the time is 2019_02_15_23_10_29

the current time is 1550243429


the seconds is 2

C C 學習筆記 函式

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