Python 淺複製的特性還是缺陷?

2021-09-10 15:55:02 字數 2550 閱讀 3041


>>> help(dict.copy)

help on method_descriptor:


d.copy() -> a shallow copy of d


>>> help(list.copy)

help on method_descriptor:


l.copy() -> list -- a shallow copy of l


>>> dict_instance =

>>> copy_instance = dict_instance.copy()

>>> dict_instance[0][0] = 1

>>> dict_instance

>>> copy_instance

上述,我們修改了字典物件的「0」鍵所指代的列表值的第乙個元素為1,即dict_instance[0][0] = 1,顯然copy_instance跟隨了這樣的修改。可以自行使用id函式看到,確實copy實現了這樣的淺複製。


>>> from copy import copy

>>> list_instance = [1, 2, 3]

>>> copy_instance = copy(list_instance)

>>> [id(x) for x in list_instance]

[1386622096, 1386622112, 1386622128]

>>> [id(x) for x in copy_instance]

[1386622096, 1386622112, 1386622128]

>>> list_instance[0] = 4

>>> list_instance

[4, 2, 3]

>>> copy_instance

[1, 2, 3]

>>> [id(x) for x in list_instance]

[1386622144, 1386622112, 1386622128]

>>> [id(x) for x in copy_instance]

[1386622096, 1386622112, 1386622128]

>>> list_copy = list_instance.copy()

>>> list_instance

[4, 2, 3]

>>> list_copy

[4, 2, 3]

>>> [id(x) for x in list_instance]

[1386622144, 1386622112, 1386622128]

>>> [id(x) for x in list_copy]

[1386622144, 1386622112, 1386622128]

>>> list_instance[0] = 0

>>> list_instance

[0, 2, 3]

>>> list_copy

[4, 2, 3]

>>> dict_instance =

>>> dict_copy = dict_instance.copy()

>>> [id(x) for x in dict_instance]

[1386622080, 1386622096, 1386622112]

>>> [id(x) for x in dict_copy]

[1386622080, 1386622096, 1386622112]

>>> dict_instance[0] = 3

>>> dict_copy




Python 深淺複製

python中的賦值語句不複製物件,它們在目標和物件之間建立繫結。對於可變的或包含可變項的容器,有時需要乙個副本,所以可以改變乙個副本而不改變另乙個。將建立乙個新物件,但它包含的是對原始物件包含的項的引用。a b list a c a.copy d copy.copy a 建立乙個新物件,並且遞迴的...

python 深複製和淺複製

l1 1,2,3 4,5 l2 list l1 l1 1,2,3 4,5 99 l2 1,2,3 4,5 l1 1 remove 2 l1 1,3 4,5 99 l2 1,3 4,5 l2 1 11,12 l2 2 10,11 l1 1,3,11,12 4,5 99 l2 1,3,11,12 4,5...


最近遇到了乙個問題,在python中對於物件的複製有兩種,copy 以及deepcopy 為了研究他們之間的區別,寫下如下部落格。首先檢視python的官方文件,得到如下解釋 淺層複製和深層複製之間的區別僅與復合物件 即包含其他物件的物件,如列表或類的例項 相關 乙個 淺層複製 會構造乙個新的復合物...