遇到的問題:# this is ex19's excrist
def burst_price(user_name, basic_pay, performance_pay, performance_score):
print(f"your basic pay is $.")
print(f"and performance pay is $.")
print(f"this month your performance score is .")
print(f"so the month your pay is", basic_pay + performance_pay * performance_score/10, "$")
burst_price("xiaoming", 3000, 5000, 8)
print("-" * 30)
print("hi, can i ask you some question?")
print("please hit return to countinue, or ctrl-c to stop")
score = 7.7
name = input("what's your name?")
basic = int(input("how much your basic?"))
performance = int(input("how nuch your performance?"))
print(f"ok, this month your performance_score is . \n so" )
burst_price(name, basic, performance, score)
typeerror: unsupported operand type(s) for *: 'set' and 'set'
之後,寫在「」外畫蛇添足的 int()形式。
二 本地函式的呼叫。
執行結果:from ex19_1 import burst_price
burst_price("lily", 5000, 2000, 5.5)
your basic pay is 3000 $.
and performance pay is 5000 $.
this month your performance score is 8.
so the month your pay is 7000.0 $
your basic pay is 5000 $.
and performance pay is 2000 $.
this month your performance score is 5.5.
so the month your pay is 6100.0 $
ex35 分支和函式
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