imports system.text.regularexpressions
public class showarticle
#region " web 窗體設計器生成的** "
'該呼叫是 web 窗體設計器所必需的。
private sub initializecomponent()
end sub
protected withevents lbltitle as system.web.ui.webcontrols.label
protected withevents lblcontent as system.web.ui.webcontrols.label
'注意: 以下佔位符宣告是 web 窗體設計器所必需的。
private designerplaceholderdeclaration as system.object
private sub page_init(byval sender as system.object, byval e as system.eventargs) handles mybase.init
'codegen: 此方法呼叫是 web 窗體設計器所必需的
end sub
#end region
private sub page_load(byval sender as system.object, byval e as system.eventargs) handles mybase.load
dim strarticleid as string
strarticleid = request("articleid")
dim myarticle as new accessdb
dim myreader as oledbdatareader
dim mystrtitle as string
myreader = myarticle.executesqlstrdetails("select * from portal_articles where articleid=" + strarticleid + ";")
if then
mystrtitle = myreader("title")
if strlen(mystrtitle) > 20 then
mystrtitle = gottopic(mystrtitle, 20)
end if
lbltitle.text = mystrtitle
lblcontent.text = htmlencode(myreader("content"))
end if
end sub
function htmlencode(byval restring as string) '轉換html**
dim str as string = restring
if str.length > 0 then
str = replace(str, ">", ">")
str = replace(str, "<", "<")
str = replace(str, chr(9), " ")
str = replace(str, chr(39), "'")
str = replace(str, chr(34), """)
str = replace(str, chr(13), "")
str = replace(str, chr(10), "
")htmlencode = str
end if
end function
function strlen(byval str as string) as integer
dim p_len as integer
dim xx as integer
p_len = 0
strlen = 0
if trim(str) <> "" then '去掉空格
p_len = len(trim(str))
for xx = 1 to p_len
if asc(mid(str, xx, 1)) < 0 then
strlen = int(strlen) + 2
strlen = int(strlen) + 1
end if
end if
end function
function gottopic(byval str as string, byval strlen1 as string) as string
dim l, t, c, i as integer
l = len(str)
t = 0
for i = 1 to l
c = math.abs(asc(mid(str, i, 1)))
if c > 255 then
t = t + 2
t = t + 1
end if
if t >= strlen1 then
gottopic = left(str, i) & "..."
exit for
gottopic = str & " "
end if
end function
function removehtml(byval str) as string '過濾html格式
dim re as regex
str = re.match(str, "(\<.[^\<]*\>)")
str = re.replace(str, " ")
str = re.match(str, "(\<\/[^\<]*\>")
str = re.replace(str, "")
removehtml = str
re = nothing
end function
end class
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