select * from res_spec rs where like ('%odf%');
201502 obd
201201 odf
201202 光交
select (select from area aa where aa.area_id = de.local_net_id),
from device de
where de.res_spec_id = 201502
and de.status = 'u'
group by rollup(de.local_net_id);
431 長春
432 吉林
433 延邊
434 四平
435 通化
436 白城
437 遼源
438 松原
439 白山
select * from area aa where aa.area_id in ('431','432','433','434','435','436','437','438','439');
select count(pp.connector_id)
from connector pp
where pp.maint_sts = 'n'
and pp.device_id in (select de.device_id
from device de
where de.status = 'u'
and de.local_net_id = 439
and de.res_spec_id = 201502)
group by pp.local_net_id;
select count(cc.connector_id),cc.local_net_id
from connector cc
left join device de
on de.device_id = cc.device_id
where de.status = 'u'
and cc.maint_sts = 'n'
and de.res_spec_id = 201502
group by rollup(cc.local_net_id) ;
select count(cc.connector_id), cc.local_net_id
from connector cc, device de
where de.device_id = cc.device_id(+)
and de.status = 'u'
and cc.maint_sts = 'n'
and de.res_spec_id = 201502
group by rollup(cc.local_net_id);
select count(pp.physical_conn_id),pp.local_net_id
from physical_conn pp
where pp.maint_sts = 'n'
and ((pp.z_parent_res_spec_id = 201201 and
pp.a_res_id in (select cc.connector_id
from connector cc, device de
where de.device_id = cc.device_id(+)
and de.status = 'u'
and cc.maint_sts = 'n'
and de.res_spec_id = 201502)) or
(pp.a_parent_res_spec_id = 201201 and
pp.z_res_id in (select cc.connector_id
from connector cc, device de
where de.device_id = cc.device_id(+)
and de.status = 'u'
and cc.maint_sts = 'n'
and de.res_spec_id = 201502)))group by rollup (pp.local_net_id);
select count(pp.physical_conn_id), pp.local_net_id
from physical_conn pp
where pp.maint_sts = 'n'
and ((pp.a_parent_res_id in
(select de.device_id
from device de
where de.status = 'u'
and de.res_spec_id = 201502) and
pp.z_parent_res_spec_id = 201202) or
((pp.z_parent_res_id in
(select de.device_id
from device de
where de.status = 'u'
and de.res_spec_id = 201502) and
pp.a_parent_res_spec_id = 201202)))
group by rollup (pp.local_net_id) ;
select dd.local_net_id, count(distinct
from device dd, port pp
where dd.status = 'u'
and dd.res_spec_id = '201501'
and dd.device_id = pp.device_id
and pp.maint_sts = 'n'
and not like '%測試%'
group by rollup((dd.local_net_id));
select dd.local_net_id, count(distinct
from device dd, port pp
where dd.status = 'u'
and dd.res_spec_id = '201501'
and dd.device_id = pp.device_id
and pp.maint_sts = 'n'
and not like '%測試%'
and exists (select 1
from physical_conn ph
where ph.maint_sts = 'n'
and ph.res_spec_id = '402102'
and ph.local_net_id = dd.local_net_id
and (ph.a_parent_res_id = dd.device_id and
ph.a_res_id = pp.port_id and
ph.z_parent_res_spec_id = '201201' or
ph.z_parent_res_id = dd.device_id and
ph.z_res_id = pp.port_id and
ph.a_parent_res_spec_id = '201201'))
group by rollup((dd.local_net_id));
接入網監理大綱 二 控制措施 一 質量控制措施 1.1對本期工程監理的具體重點 難點的分析 1 質量控制目標 本專案一次性通過驗收,工程驗收評定等級 優良 2 工程質量控制監理依據 1 中國電信 分公司的監理委託合同 2 2012年8月寧夏電信發布的關於 中國電信寧夏公司通訊工程施工安全風險評估及警...
TCPIP 主機接入網路
主機網路配置 ipnetmask gateway dns1 路由資訊 獲取ip方式 手動指定,dhcp hostconfiguration protocol 如果dhcp,會隨機配置乙個私有位址。對linux,網路屬於核心,位址屬於核心,不屬於網絡卡。因此無論網絡卡配置在那個網絡卡上,主要ip配置該...
接入網解決方案 對於ip監控接入網架構的選擇,由於宇視全系ip監控產品具備豐富的網路介面,可以方便的支援標準百千兆電口 poe電口 單sfp光口 epon光口和雙sfp光環網介面,可以方便的支援各種星形 樹形 總線形和環網佈線方式,極大方便的ip監控接入網的選擇和設計,接入型別如下圖 1 星形接入網...