
2021-09-07 12:32:03 字數 2192 閱讀 5937

1、建立t_mon_table_stat 用於存過需要更新統計資訊的表


insert into t_mon_table_stat

select distinct sp.rows/ssi.rowmodctr rowdiff,

object_name(si.object_id) as table_name ,

si.name as statistics_name ,

stats_date(si.object_id, si.index_id) as last_stat_update_date ,

ssi.rowmodctr as rowmodctr ,

sp.rows as total_rows_in_table ,

\'update statistics [\' + schema_name(so.schema_id) + \'].[\'

+ object_name(si.object_id) + \']\' + space(2) + si.name as update_stats_script ,current_timestamp,0,null

from sys.indexes as si( nolock )

inner join sys.objects as so( nolock ) on si.object_id = so.object_id

inner join sys.sysindexes ssi( nolock ) on si.object_id = ssi.id

and si.index_id = ssi.indid

inner join sys.partitions as sp on si.object_id = sp.object_id

where ssi.rowmodctr > 0

and stats_date(si.object_id, si.index_id) is not null

and so.type = \'u\'

and abs(sp.rows-ssi.rowmodctr)>10000

and (sp.rows/ssi.rowmodctr <0.4 or sp.rows/ssi.rowmodctr >2.5)

and object_name(si.object_id) not like \'%history_%\' --排除歷史表

and stats_date(si.object_id, si.index_id)< dateadd(dd,-2,getdate()) --最近7天未更新統計資訊

and object_name(si.object_id) not like \'%-%\'


create procedure dbo.p_mon_upate_table_statistics

as begin


@datetime datetime

set @datetime=getdate()

declare update_tab_stat_cur cursor for select distinct table_name ,update_stats_script,check_date from t_mon_table_stat

where check_date>dateadd(dd,-1,@datetime) and check_date0


---更新update_date 和 check_status的值

update a set a.update_date=getdate(),a.check_status=2 from t_mon_table_stat a where a.check_date =@check_date and a.table_name =@table_name and check_status=1;


fetch next from update_tab_stat_cur into @table_name ,@sql ,@check_date


close update_tab_stat_cur


deallocate update_tab_stat_cur




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