kill ' cat /mysql-data-directory/hostname.pid'
[root@iz28dr6w0qvz mysql]# ./bin/mysqld_safe --skip-grant-tables --user=root &[1] 17299[root@iz28dr6w0qvz mysql]# 151006 13:14:41 mysqld_safe logging to '/alidata/log/mysql/error.log'.151006 13:14:41 mysqld_safe starting mysqld daemon with databases from /alidata/server/mysql/data
[root@iz28dr6w0qvz ~]# mysql -urootwelcome to the mysql monitor. commands end with ; or \g.
your mysql connection id is 4server version: 5.5.37-log mysql community server (gpl)
oracle is a registered trademark of oracle corporation and/or its
affiliates. other names may be trademarks of their respective
type 'help;' or '\h' for help. type '\c'to clear the current input statement.
mysql> set password = password('ysj123');
error 1290 (hy000): the mysql server is running with the --skip-grant-tables option so it cannot execute this
mysql> update mysql.user set password=password('123456') where user='root' and host='localhost';
query ok, 1 row affected (0.00sec)
rows matched: 1 changed: 1 warnings: 0
此時,由於使用了--skip-grant-tables選項啟動,使用「set password」命令更改密碼失敗,直接更新user表的password欄位後更改密碼成功。
mysql>flush privileges;query ok, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
[root@iz28dr6w0qvz ~]# mysql -urooterror 1045 (28000): access denied for user 'root'@'localhost'(using password: no)
[root@iz28dr6w0qvz ~]# mysql -uroot -p
enter password:
welcome to the mysql monitor. commands end with ; or \g.
your mysql connection id is 8server version: 5.5.37-log mysql community server (gpl)
oracle is a registered trademark of oracle corporation and/or its
affiliates. other names may be trademarks of their respective
type 'help;' or '\h' for help. type '\c' to clear the current input statement.
1.以系統管理員身份登陸系統。2.開啟cmd net start 檢視mysql是否啟動。啟動的話就停止net stop mysql.3.我的mysql安裝在d usr local mysql4 bin下。4.跳過許可權檢查啟動mysql.d usr local mysql4 bin mysqld ...
1.開啟dos視窗,關閉正在執行的mysql net stop mysql。2.開啟dos視窗,轉到mysql bin目錄 cd c program files x86 mysql mysql server 5.1 bin。3.輸入mysqld skip grant tables回車。4.再開乙個新...
第一步 執行如下命令,停止mysql服務 net stop mysql 第二步 啟動mysql 進入到mysql的安裝目錄bin,找到mysqld.exe 或mysqld nt.exe 執行 mysqld.exe skip grant tables 或mysqld nt skip grant tab...