mysql rand 產生隨機整數範圍及方法

2021-09-07 01:38:00 字數 2882 閱讀 9870


若要在i ≤ r ≤ j 這個範圍得到乙個隨機整數r ,需要用到表示式floor(i + rand() * (j – i + 1))

例如, 若要在7 到 12 的範圍(包括7和12)內得到乙個隨機整數, 可使用以下語句:

select floor(7 + (rand() * 6));


產生[i,j]範圍整數:select round(rand()*(j-i+1)+i-0.5)

若要在7 到 12 的範圍(包括7和12)內得到乙個隨機整數, 可使用以下語句:

select round( (rand() * 6+6.5));


mysql> select round(-0.5); +-------------+ | round(-0.5) | +-------------+ | -1 | +-------------+ 1 row in set (0.00sec) mysql> select round(-0.4); +-------------+ | round(-0.4) | +-------------+ | 0 | +-------------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec)


在mysql中可以執行如下命令檢視某個主題的說明文件,即? 主題,如下:

mysql> ? rand

name: 'rand'



rand(), rand(n)

returns a random floating-point value v in therange 0 <= v < 1.0

. if a

constant integer argument n is specified, it is used as the seed value,

which produces a repeatable sequence of column values. in the following

example, note that the sequences of values produced by rand(3) is the

same both places where it occurs.



mysql> create table t (i int);

query ok, 0 rows affected (0.42 sec)

mysql> insert into t values(1),(2),(3);

query ok, 3 rows affected (0.00 sec)

records: 3 duplicates: 0 warnings: 0

mysql> select i, rand() from t;


| i | rand() |


| 1 | 0.61914388706828 |

| 2 | 0.93845168309142 |

| 3 | 0.83482678498591 |


3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select i, rand(3) from t;


| i | rand(3) |


| 1 | 0.90576975597606 |

| 2 | 0.37307905813035 |

| 3 | 0.14808605345719 |


3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select i, rand() from t;


| i | rand() |


| 1 | 0.35877890638893 |

| 2 | 0.28941420772058 |

| 3 | 0.37073435016976 |


3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select i, rand(3) from t;


| i | rand(3) |


| 1 | 0.90576975597606 |

| 2 | 0.37307905813035 |

| 3 | 0.14808605345719 |


3 rows in set (0.01 sec)

mysql rand 產生隨機整數範圍及方法

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