使用二分法(bisection method)求平方根。
1驗證一下。defsqrtbi(x, epsilon):
2assert x>0, '
x must be non-nagtive, not
' +str(x)
3assert epsilon > 0, '
epsilon must be postive, not
' +str(epsilon)
45 low =0
6 high =x
7 guess = (low + high)/2.0
8 counter = 1
9while (abs(guess ** 2 - x) > epsilon) and (counter <= 100):
10if guess ** 2
11 low =guess
:13 high =guess
14 guess = (low + high)/2.0
15 counter += 1
16return guess
上面的方法,如果 x<1 ,就會有問題。因為 x (x<1)的平方根不在 [0, x] 的範圍內。例如,0.25,它的平方根——0.5 不在 [0, 0.25] 的區間內。
1再檢驗一下:defsqrtbi(x, epsilon):
2assert x>0, '
x must be non-nagtive, not
' +str(x)
3assert epsilon > 0, '
epsilon must be postive, not
' +str(epsilon)
45 low =0
6 high = max(x, 1.0)7#
# high = x
8 guess = (low + high)/2.0
9 counter = 1
10while (abs(guess ** 2 - x) > epsilon) and (counter <= 100):
11if guess ** 2
12 low =guess
:14 high =guess
15 guess = (low + high)/2.0
16 counter += 1
17return guess
好了,正如標題所示,我們今天要用二分法來求平方根。首先要有數字,但是老是有人寫字串該怎麼辦呢?老是有人在寫數學題的時候打字串 try x int input please enter a whole number to measure to square root except print 然後是重...
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我就廢話不多說了,大家還是直接看 吧 def sq2 x,e e e 誤差範圍 low 0 high max x,1.0 處理大於0小於1的數 guess low high 2.0 ctr 1 while abs guess 2 x e and ctr 1000 if guess 2 x low g...