keystone 命令簡要說明

2021-09-06 11:29:25 字數 3326 閱讀 1833


keystone catalog 可以顯示所有已有的service

keystone catalog --service service-type 顯示某個service資訊


endpoint-create create a new endpoint associated with a service

endpoint-delete delete a service endpoint


endpoint-list list configured service endpoints

keystone help endpoint-create

--region endpoint region region表示不同的範圍,類似c++中命名空間,把服務「隔離「。

--service-id , --service_id id of service associated with endpoint

--publicurl public url endpoint

--adminurl admin url endpoint

--internalurl internal url endpoint

keystone help endpoint-get

--service service type to select

--endpoint-type endpoint type to select # adminurl,publicurl,internalurl

--attr service attribute to match for selection

--value value of attribute to match


role-create create new role

role-delete delete role

role-get display role details

role-list list all roles


service-create add service to service catalog

service-delete delete service from service catalog

service-get display service from service catalog

service-list list all services in service catalog

--name name of new service (must be unique)

--type service type (one of: identity, compute, network,

image, or object-store)

--description description of service


tenant-create create new tenant

tenant-delete delete tenant

tenant-get display tenant details

tenant-list list all tenants

tenant-update update tenant name, description, enabled status

keystone help tenant-create

--name new tenant name (must be unique)

--description description of new tenant (default is none)

--enabled initial tenant enabled status (default true)


user-create create new user

user-delete delete user

user-get display user details.

user-list list users


update user password

keystone help user-create

--name new user name (must be unique)

--tenant-id # 可以不指定,推遲通過user-role-add關聯到某個tenant

new user default tenant

--pass new user password

--email new user email address

--enabled initial user enabled status (default true)

keystone help user-list

--tenant-id tenant id; lists all users if not specified

keystone help user-role-add

--user-id , --user_id user id

--role-id , --role_id role id

--tenant-id tenant id

keystone help user-role-list 檢視推遲關聯的user對應的tenant資訊

--user-id list roles granted to a user

--tenant-id list roles granted on a tenant

keystone help user-role-remove

--user-id , --user_id user id

--role-id , --role_id role id

--tenant-id tenant id

注意:update 是分開的。

user-password-update: update password user-update :update user's name, email, and enabled status


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