
2021-09-02 17:25:35 字數 2363 閱讀 1136


// ==== wittcism.com token smart contract for nebulas ====

// name: test coin

// symbol: test

// decimal: 8

// totalsupply: 2,000,000,000 (2 billion)

// deploy parameter: ["test coin","test", 8, 2000000000]

'use strict';

var allowed = function(obj) ;


}allowed.prototype = ,


parse: function(obj) }},


get: function(key) ,


set: function(key, value)


var standardtoken = function() ,

stringify: function(o)


"balances": ,

stringify: function(o)

},"allowed": ,

stringify: function(o)


};//初始化,獲取傳入的引數:["test coin","test", 8, 2000000000]

standardtoken.prototype = ,

// returns the name of the token

name: function() ,

// returns the symbol of the token

symbol: function() ,

// returns the number of decimals the token uses

decimals: function() ,

totalsupply: function() ,

balanceof: function(owner) else


transfer: function(to, value)


var from = blockchain.transaction.from;


var balance = this.balances.get(from) || new bignumber(0);


if (balance.lt(value))


this.balances.set(from, balance.sub(value));

var tobalance = this.balances.get(to) || new bignumber(0);

this.balances.set(to, tobalance.add(value));

this.transferevent(true, from, to, value);

},transferfrom: function(from, to, value) else

},transferevent: function(status, from, to, value)


var from = blockchain.transaction.from;

var oldvalue = this.allowance(from, spender);

if (oldvalue != currentvalue.tostring())

var balance = new bignumber(this.balanceof(from));

var value = new bignumber(value);

if (value.lt(0) || balance.lt(value))

var owned = this.allowed.get(from) || new allowed();

owned.set(spender, value);

this.allowed.set(from, owned);



allowance: function(owner, spender)

}return "0";

}};module.exports = standardtoken;

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