CTEX 使用筆記

2021-09-02 15:05:10 字數 4425 閱讀 8574

1. 插入的一般方法


\includegraphics[width=3in] //3英吋


\includegraphics[width=0.80\textwidth]使得插入圖形的寬度為文字行寬的 80%。

\includegraphics[width=8cm]\\ 在image資料夾下面

\begin[htbp] //htbp指定位置

h 當前位置

t 頂部

b 底部

p 浮動頁







\end 得到圖 18.2。其中標題的上方沒有額外的空白,與圖形之間則有 10pt 的距離。






\end //將figure 改為了fig









}% 有%橫排,沒有豎排











\subfigure[subfigure 1-1]



\subfigure[subfigure 1-2]



\subfigure[subfigure 2-1]



\subfigure[subfigure 2-2]






//處於段內的數學文字要放在\( 與\) 之間, $ 與$ 之間, 或者\begin與\end 之間。


// 使得編輯的公式單獨一行,不編號




or you can type less with:


\frac-- 表示1/2

c=\left|a+b\right| --c=abs










$$ f(x)=\left\

x & = & \cos(t) \\

y & = & \sin(t) \\

z & = & \frac xy




$$ f^=\left\

f_l       &      & \\

f^*_l     &      & \\

f^*_r     &      & \\

f_r       &      &

\end \right. $$




0& \text\\

1& \text




3. algorithm pseudo-code


\usepackage[top=2cm, bottom=2cm, left=2cm, right=2cm]





%%%%algorithm 1%%%

\renewcommand} % use input in the format of algorithm

\renewcommand} % use output in the format of algorithm






the set of positive samples for current batch, $p_n$;

the set of unlabelled samples for current batch, $u_n$;

ensemble of classifiers on former batches, $e_$;


ensemble of classifiers on the current batch, $e_n$;

\state extracting the set of reliable negative and/or positive samples $t_n$ from $u_n$ with help of $p_n$;


\state training ensemble of classifiers $e$ on $t_n \cup p_n$, with help of data in former batches;


\state $e_n=e_cup e$;


\state classifying samples in $u_n-t_n$ by $e_n$;


\state deleting some weak classifiers in $e_n$ so as to keep the capacity of $e_n$;

\label \\

\return $e_n$;



%%%%%%algorithm 2%%%if else for while function %%%

\renewcommand} % use input in the format of algorithm

\renewcommand} % use output in the format of algorithm



\begin[1] %每行顯示行號

\require he set of positive sampl

\ensure he set of positive sampl


\state $result \gets 0$


\state $middle \gets (left + right) / 2$

\state $result \gets result +$ \call{}

\state $result \gets result +$ \call{}

\state $result \gets result +$ \call{}


\state \return




\state $i\gets left$

\state $j\gets middle$

\state $k\gets 0$

\state $result \gets 0$


\state $array[left + i] \gets b[i]$


\state \return




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